If you have had pain under your right rib cage, you’re wondering, “Why does my liver hurt”? I’ve had some experience with that over the past decade, plus a few more years. It’s terrible and creates a mental pain with it. I was heart sick when my liver hurt. I finally really really understood that there was only one body for me in this life. It made my brain explode with a rush of feelings that nobody could ever understand until they went through it. There are other blogs on here about your liver hurting. This new one is about why and also about HOW to deal with it.
Symptoms of Liver Disease or Cirrhosis
- Bruising under the skin that show up too easily or that your don’t remember getting bumped.
- Extreme itching that gets no relief
- Pain under your ribcage right under your breasts or chest.
- Running a low grade fever all the time.
- Fatigue and weakness: remember to consult a doctor if these bouts of tiredness persist.
- Yellow colored skin called jaundice. You can also have yellow in the whites of your eyes.
- Changes in stool are often the signs of liver disease.
- Swelling in hands feet and belly can point to advanced cirrhosis.
- Itching, due to the accumulation of bile in the skin.
- Dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.

I had all of these symptoms off and on and yet never put them all together. For example, I bruised easily and started taking way more multiple vitamin and found out later that it was not safe to take so many. I thought fatigue was just aging or menopause. I started drinking more coffee. Turns out coffee can help NASH or NAFLD liver disease.
For the itching, I used a ton of lotions and some of them were helpful. Some of it was because of the medication I was on, however MOST of it was caused from having too much bile not filtering through my liver.
By the time jaundice hit, I was in liver failure. Even though it reached the end stage, I still was able to get through this and am alive to tell the story. My liver was hurting and I connected with a hepatologist and a nutritionist. I got rid of the inflammation in my liver. I was SO very far gone, that I went on to get liver cancer. Even then, I was able to get a transplant. But now I am giving you hope, and you’re here to find out how to treat liver pain. Keep reading and get your answers.
How to Treat Liver Pain
Your abdominal pain can be from autoimmune, IBS, Crohn’s or other bowel problems. However, I want to say that the reason why you have liver pain specifically is a sign of later stages of liver disease. Call your medical provider now.
Only your doctor can confirm this with blood tests, an ultrasound, MRI or other exams. Note that some liver abnormalities, if not addressed early, may lead to more serious complications, such cirrhosis, hepatitis, or cancer. Once you find out what is going on, all the answers you need are right here, and I’ll help you move to the next stage of getting healthy again.
If you are at advanced liver disease or cirrhosis, perhaps finding liver cancer is a scary thing to you. It happened to me 8 years ago. I went through a lot of liver pain and click here to read a blog is about when your doctor says the liver can’t feel pain. Whatever, but I even make a YouTube about it. I had a lot of brain fog, so my YouTube channel is a bit goofy at times. But hey, I stayed alive. You can too.
If you have inflammation, eat high fat diet, and indulge in a lot of sugar or alcohol, you will have more liver pain. You are also much more likely to develop liver disease. You can have liver pain easily when your liver is worn out from too much infection or inflammation.
Why Does My Liver Hurt?
If you are having liver pain and need some answers, I hope you will click the links in this blog to learn about it, but even more, I want to offer you hope. When your liver is hurting, you can see a doctor and ask questions. You can take the right steps to reduce inflammation in your liver. It is possible to move into a healthy future. You can do like I did and hold your liver with your left hand over your right ribcage. Sooth yourself with comforting words.
By loving yourself, and your liver, enough to make changes with NO FEAR in your diet and lifestyle, you can move past liver pain into a better version of yourself. xoxo Karen
Image from Medical News Today