What Foods to Avoid with Hepatitis C and Liver
I think we all have the common sense to know that a greasy, high sugar diet is not good for anyone. Certain foods make your liver even more sick. Read this for more about diet and treatment. You need to know what foods to avoid when living with Hepatitis C or liver disease from any cause.
Your liver filters every little bite that you put in your mouth. Some foods help the liver and some create more damage. You damage may be from Hepatitis C, fatty liver. PBC, or NASH. By taking control of your fork (or fingers) you can restore your liver. The damage may be reversed allowing you to live a long and healthy life.
Sound crazy? I’m a woman who had End Stage Liver Disease and a decompensated liver. I didn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell to live. I researched sugars, fats, and carbohydrates and created a liver loving diet.
What Foods to Avoid with Hepatitis C and Liver
Processed Foods have 2 Ucky Ingredients: Fat and Sugar
Sat Fats – Cookies potato chips, and crackers are all made with sat fats. Microwave popcorn, some granola bars, twinkies, snack cakes, boxed dinner mixes
Sinful Sugar – Frutctose and Top 10 Reasons to Avoid It
Splenda – Nutrasweet – Equal, Aspertame
Strange stuff that I avoid
Imported and/or uncooked shellfish like shrimp may have bacteria, canned tuna, unpeeled root vegetables like potatoes and carrots that are not organic are the main ones. Grapefruit is to be avoided because it can interfere with absorption of medicines.
Canned fruits – Fruits are an important part of your diet. Be sure that you eat smaller portions of real fruit throughout the day so that your liver can process them. It doesn’t want to get hit with large amounts of canned fruit sugar! Too much fruit can lead to hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, or even diabetes. Your poor liver just cannot handle the burden.
Processed Foods – I like an occasional donut or piece of cake. I do not eat them every day. If I do, I pay for it later.

Stevia is a safe, refined sugar. The others may not be broken down in the intestines. That means your liver and kidney have to do the all the work. If your liver is sick, just avoid those the three on the list and stick with Stevia. Agave nectar is also a good sweetener. I use it like syrup with my pancakes.
I also use it to sweeten iced tea or hot tea! It can be a little deceptive: Just because agave nectar has a low glycemic index number does NOT mean you can use it in large quantities. Same goes for honey or monk fruit. All things in moderation.
We could split hairs on the benefits of organic vs non organic. Or even about the shellfish and tuna. Who has the time or money to worry about every little thing? For this blog, I wanted to keep it simple. Use moderation. If you can manage to avoid eating large amounts of the above listed items, you are doing good. Your doctor will be proud of you! Your liver will love you. And you will live longer. You can heal.
Let’s work on this… Your best friend, Karen:)
Do you get scared when you think that food has the ability to make you more sick? I do.
Pics via foodrenegade.com, summerwemp.com
10 thoughts on “What Foods to Avoid with Hepatitis C and Liver”
Thanks so much for you’re suggestions. I do get scared about everything that affects my liver. I have done a 360 and intend to do more. I was diagnosed a year ago. please read updated profile.
well wishes to you
You’re so welcome Rizario. Thanks for stopping by. A healthy diet is not easy anyway, but when we look at protecting our liver.. it’s a whole new ball game. Please let me know if I can help you in any way.
I’m sure after a year, you may have learned some great nutrition tips too! Feel free to share! We’re in it together.. Karen:)
Welcome Gina. I hope you are well, so sorry for late reply, we got a lot of snow, I did not have computer service.
Yes, you are right Geno 3 is now hardest to treat. It used to be Geno 1 then new medications were discovered. As time goes on more and more research companies are looking for more cures. I have a firend who had geno 3, she use use Interferon and Ribavirin. This treatment was 6 months, she was cured. There are newer medication for Geno 3, Im surprised that you have not been told about Sovaldi. I will check out the treatment and come back. Are you seeing a GI that is a liver specialist? A regular doc cant really help. So, Karen has a drop down on the main page that says Liver loving Recipes. I would go there.
Also I would cut out red meat, fried foods, processed foods like lunch meats. Drink lots of water, try to consume protein and drink water. The best thing I do daily is make a protein shake for breakfast with fruits and veggies in it. I eat oatmeal as often as I can. 🙂 If you have any questions, please ask. Dee
Hi Karen, I’m writing to inquire about a healthy liver diet for my mom. She has liver damage and is waiting to see if she can take the new treatment. Her platelet count is low and overall health is pretty bad. I believe in the healing power of food! Her doctor said high protein, low fat but I’m wondering if she should be eating healthy fats like coconut oil and avocado in addition to lean proteins. In my research it seems reasonable to avoid foods that tax the body in general (hello white flour and sugar, I’m talking to you!) Can you send me an email with recommendations– I’m desperate to see her get on the right path and restore health–she’s too young 🙁
I saw your message and am sooo very happy that you got the diet and recipes info. I try to post everything so you will have easy access. There are many more good recipes when I have time to post them. I got your email too. We’ll chat some more. xoxo Karen:)
Never mind Karen! I’ve now read almost every single post on your blog and am learning so much! My mom wouldn’t wake up Nov 29 2013 and had a severe infection full on blood sepsis! The next day was her birthday and it was a wake up call– I flew cross country to take care of my momma but she was in BAD shape!… She almost didn’t make it. She’d been diagnosed with Hep C but was “waiting for a good time to take care of it” as my step dad was fighting cancer for a long time (still is!) Problem is, her liver decided for her and by Nov 29 she was stage 4. Only in the hospital did we find out about the host of other problems (see: all your blog topics) I am ever so grateful she is still here and I am committed to helping her restore health. I will do ANYTHING for my mom, she’s my hero and a fighter. Thank you so much for your blog and for putting yourself out there! Felicia
Hi Felicia!
I’m so very grateful that you got what you needed on the blog. I know what my daughter and I went through trying to find information. Your words bring tears to my eyes. Like a lot…
Learning to shop and stock the kitchen is never easy. By giving her help with nutrition, she can cross that hurdle! My daughter and I laughted a lot at my diet. We used to eat out a lot and now that is kind of gone by the wayside. But the diet is what keeps me alive!
See, moms never want to impose on their kids. We would rather be taking care of you. She is obviously a wonderful woman to have raised such a lovely person. I can promise you this: by helping her to get her health back, you will recieve unending devotion. I am sure that it is already there. But I call my daughter my lifesaver. I literally would not be here if not for her. What a precious gift of life.
For a daughter to have such a generous heart is the most beautiful thing in the world. I hope that she is able to find a good doctor and get ready for treatment. I will say that having someone to help during those doctor visits is so important. I always tried to send her home when I was hospitalized because I knew she needed the rest.
I am curious. Will you be able to stay close by for a while? You mentioned that you lived quite a distance. I hope you stay in touch. I have your email address now. There is support for caregivers if you add me on facebook. Ihelpc Karen is my username. We can hook you up with some sweet people who have been there.
Thank you for the lovely words. It really means a lot to me personally to know that you and your mom both feel better about the journey.
xoxoxo Karen:)
I have stage 4 cirrhosis of liver from Hep C. I took the 48 week treatment in 2005 and it did not work. I am now 4 weeks in the 12 week teartment with solvaldi, ribavirin, and pegasys. I am feeling better since I started, but I have trouble keeping my balance. My biggest concern is the swelling in my stomach, it is huge. Please help me eat right.
I’m so glad you are getting online to look at what foods to eat. I have a blog on many topics from what to shop for all the way to a sample menu. https://www.ihelpc.com/about-2/best-friends-start-here/
It’s so important to get as much rest as you can while you are on treatment. Stay off of your feet if you feel dizzy. Talk to your doctor. You may have some anemia problems and your doctor can help with that! I hope by now you have discussed the swelling, which sounds like ascites. Your doctor needs to know this. Are you on diuretics? Pleas stay low sodium and keep me posted also. kk?
Prayers tonight and love to you,
xo Karen:)
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