So you look on your paperwork from the doctor office and it says NAFLD. You may wonder what does NAFLD mean: Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Most medical groups pronounce it “Naf L D” so that it sounds like Na-FeLL-DEE. If you have been diagnosed, you may not have any symptoms at all. Many time, you may not even be overweight. It is still possible to have extra fat in your liver. Let’s talk about what it means and how you can gain some control in your life after a diagnosis of NAFLD. What does NAFLD mean: Non-alcoholic liver disease.
First off, it is a condition in which fat accumulates in the liver. There can be several causes. You may not even eat fatty food or drink too much alcohol.
Why Use the Word Fatty?
Many people do not like the term “fatty”, including some doctors. They feel like it adds stigma to people who are diagnosed. I heard a group discuss it at The Liver Meeting or TLM last year in Washington, DC. So many support groups, insurance billing, and medical organizations already have all of their paperwork, coding, prescription information and other forms with NAFLD on it. So there was some push back about changing the word.
It is actually a common condition, and it affects an estimated 25% of people world wide. That means 1 in 4 people have NAFLD. It is often associated with other medical conditions such as obesity, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes.

NAFLD has 2 different types or categories
- Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver (NAFL): This is a very mild form of the disease. You may have only fat accumulation in the liver. There is no inflammation or liver damage.
- Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH): This is the more severe form of the disease in which there is fat accumulation in the liver, along with inflammation and liver damage. NASH can progress to cirrhosis and liver failure if left untreated.
How is NAFLD diagnosed?
Liver disease is usually silent. That means there may be no symptoms. NAFLD may be diagnosed if you have symptoms of liver disease such as ascites or jaundice. You can read about the stages of liver disease here.
If you have elevated liver enzymes during a regular health check. I’ve heard of many who get abdominal surgery and the doctor actually sees liver disease. If that is the case, get on your doctor’s advice and do every thing you can to keep NAFLD from turning into NASH.
I had a hysterectomy in 2000 and nothing looked bad. Then,10 years later, my liver totally failed. DO NOT ignore liver disease.
How is NAFLD treated?
Treatment for NAFLD typically involves lifestyle changes such as weight loss, exercise, and a healthy diet. In some cases, if your liver is not functioning well, medications may also be prescribed to manage the condition.
Your doctor may have asked for additional tests, like more blood lab work, an ultrasound, Cat scan, MRI, or other tests. I looked fine, but an Xray of my swollen belly led to a Cat Scan that revealed my liver was shot. A biopsy showed that my liver was totally inflamed.
What does NAFLD Mean: Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Please try not to panic if you have heard that you have NAFLD. You will have to make some lifestyle changes. It’s important to support your liver. But you can totally partner with your medical team and move into a radiant future after being diagnosed with liver disease like NAFLD. I’ll write more about the other type of NAFLD called NASH. In the meantime, click around and find some answers for yourself or your loved one with liver disease. Xo Karen