Vitamin B 12 Benefits Liver and Beats Fatigue



Vitamin B 12 Benefits Liver and Beats Fatigue  – This is one of those super vitamins that  fatigue liver cirrhosis hep chas been used for years to boost energy and speed up your metabolism.  Although found in many foods, it is easily taken orally or through injections. If you are low on B 12, you have probably experienced some symptoms. Luckily, this water soluble vitamin acts quickly in the body and is considered safe for most anyone.

The miracle drug? B12 actually gained a reputation for being a cure-all in the 1960’s. Most of my life, my mama made me do all of the housework. Well, that was how it felt anyway. I moaned and complained while folding clothes or mopping the kitchen floor. She would watch soaps on television, smoke cigarettes, and drink iced tea. She complained that having us 4 kids had taken all of her energy.  Looking back, I’m sure we did!

Then she read a magazine article about B12. I sat in the car with my sisters the first time she got a shot. She came out of the doctor’s office smiling and telling me what a good girl I was for helping with my sisters. That night she filled up muffin tins with meatloaf mix and served them up with mashed potatoes.  She sang the Bushel and a Peck song to us at bedtime. I would lie in bed and think about Vitamins, and of course pray for the boys in Viet Nam.

Any time mom announced that she was going to the doctor to get her B12 shot, I knew it was going to be fun. She would be cooking and cleaning like crazy. After days of serving us frozen fish sticks on paper plates, she would now be browsing a McCall’s magazine for recipes. We praised her so much over the muffin pan meatloaf that she went a little crazy with it. She filled those little cups with everything from jello to mashed potatoes and cheese, and even pudding. Us kids loved it when mama had energy!

60s mom b12 liver energy All of the laundry would be caught up and we would open the dresser drawers to find even our socks were matched and lined in neat little rows. I remember running in the front door after school and there was mama. She had the record player blasting and was dancing the Watusi. Yes, I thought B12 was a miracle drug in the 1960’s.  

I believe that Vitamin B 12 Benefits Liver and Beats Fatigue, BUT before you run out and start gulping down pills or rolling up your sleeve, there are some things to consider:

If you are low on Vitamin B 12, you might have experienced these symptoms – anemia, dizziness, and fatigue, memory loss, jaundice, numbness or tingling in arms and legs. One article I read stated that it could cause mania. Well at least I have an excuse now if I ever want to go manic on someone. Oops! Low on B12.

DosageIt is a good idea to take them along with the other B Vitamins. They can usually be easily obtained in a B Complex or in a multi vitamin. By taking a 1 a Day type of vitamin, you are probably getting all that you need. Most of them contain at least 2 micrograms per capsule along with the supporting B and other important vitamins. Check out the safe Vitamin blog here. Shots do NOT have an advantage over pills.

Timing – For some, Vitamin B 12 can really rev up your engine. Remember Mama.  I cannot take it, or eat any foods that contain it after 3:00 P.M. I just came up with that time, because that is when I also cut out caffeine. It can leave me wide awake and raring to go! That means a sleepless night. Not everyone is sensitive to it, but a simple trial can reveal what is the best time for you to take it. You don’t want to be doing the Watusi at midnight.

mini-wheat b12 liver
My fave daytime snack!

DietB 12 is found naturally in foods like organ meat, eggs, chicken, and dairy products. That is why many vegetarians take extra B 12 as a supplement to their diet. Many cereals and granola or protein bars are fortified with B 12. See my liver loving low sodium diet blog. If you are not getting enough in your diet, you may turn to supplements for that energy boost!

Benefits – The list is long. I’ll dive in by saying one of the best benefits for me was that it helps build red blood cells. It can also help with fibromyalgia or neuropathy.

Vitamin B12 can help with a specific type of anemia – pernicious anemia. It also helps repair and stimulate nerve cells. I love this part: It can help your brain function. My poor brain needs the help! I read years ago about how it stimulates T Cells. These are long known to be the killer cells that launch attacks against unhealthy cells in your body. I look at it as an immune booster and anti-cancer Vitamin!

More on Vitamin B12 –

Acid reflux medications may make it harder to absorb B12. This may be a problem if you have varices. I used a sublingual during treatment and always took it with food. Now I take it in either my probiotic green powder or my multi-vitamin.

If you are over  50 years old, your body does not absorb it as well through diet alone. That is one reason that supplementation can help.

Vitamin B12 ’s safety is proven. It is water soluble, meaning that it any extra just goes down the toilet.  I take it with confidence that it does not cause liver damage. It DOES support general health and gives energy.


Cat watusi b12 energy liverWhile looking for an image for this blog, I found ALL kinds of crazy pics of B12 to be taken in little liquid bottles, injections, and in capsule form. That is not my message or my lifestyle.

Balance is the key word with any vitamin or supplement. We Best Friends know to run any change in our diet or lifestyle past our doctor. That’s cause we’re aiming to live our best life and protect our liver at the same time.

This is one vitamin that I take almost daily. There are days when I have eaten well and do not use supplementation. But when my mental or physical energy gets low, I know that a couple of sublingual drops does the trick. If you decide to supplement with B12, come over to my house. I know how to do the Watusi. Love from your jazzed up bestie, Karen:)

Pics via,,, lifegiva.wp



27 thoughts on “Vitamin B 12 Benefits Liver and Beats Fatigue”

  1. I love B12 and when I don’t take it I notice a difference.

    But it’s interesting some of the things you can experience when you’re low on B12, things like dizziness, and fatigue, memory loss, numbness or tingling. I actually get those things sometimes. I always just looked at B12 as an energy boost.

    I also like how it can be a brain boost. Boy, we all could use some of that 🙂

    Liz McGee recently posted…How To Get Google To Trust Your SiteMy Profile

    1. By the end of the week, I really need the boost. I notice a big difference when I miss my vitamins.

      The research showed some amazing facts about Alzheimer disease and even Autism! It’s great when a small change in vitamins can make a big difference.

      I hope your weekend is zippity!

      xo Karen:)

  2. When you said it’s helps speed up your metabolism and of course boosts your energy I thought hot dog. That’s never been something my body does well, have a great metabolism.

    That’s so funny the story about your Mom. I was envisioning her dancing around and cooking up a storm. I can only imagine, my mother never did that but she was always going.

    I do take a supplement every day and have for years. Of course I take one of women and over 50 so I can only think that I’m doing what’s best for me. A little extra boost never hurt anyone but I certainly don’t want to go overboard and hurt anything.

    Thanks for sharing this Karen…

    Adrienne recently posted…HELP: When Spam Is Not SpamMy Profile

    1. Adrienne –

      My mom was a blast and I miss her so much. She passed soon after my diagnosis. She was always up on the newest fads and B12 shots was all the rage in the 60’s.

      I found so much on weight loss and B12! I’ve saved it and started a blog on that topic alone.

      What a blessing to have great health and continuing to protect it with vitamins is surely good insurance. It’s hard to get all that we need in our diet alone. You take care of yourself so that you can keep writing! Your posts always hit me. I’ve got to get over and read about spam. When I started the Best Friend’s Guide, I saw people signing up as a WP user and deleted everything. Oh my.

      Have an awesome weekend,

  3. Hi Karen,

    I have a couple of questions for you. What is in the image of your favorite daytime snack? Is that B12 put on shredded wheat?

    I also noticed in your comments you mentioned “the research showed some amazing facts about Alzheimer disease and even Autism!” Can you point me where to find this kind of information. It will be helpful to people I know.

    Thank you kindly,
    William Butler recently posted…Free Nature Photography For You To EnjoyMy Profile

    1. Hi Bill –

      That would be a frosted mini wheat and that is strawberry sugary stuff on there. It’s a well balanced treat for someone with liver disease! Those little hummers have NO sodium and about 1/4 of the RDA for B12, so they’re high on the list of snacks for a person with cirrhosis. My grandkids know that Nana always has some in a little baggy for quick bites!

      I have worked with kiddos who have Autism for many years. Some of the stuff I know is more anecdotal, but many parents use It’s a great go-to place for a ton of studies.

      As far as Alzheimer’s, my mom’s best friend has it. She slowly disappeared over the last few years. In talking with one of her daughters, she mentioned that there is a lot of research supporting B vitamins in general, but B12 specifically for healthy brain tissue. If you need some research, I’d be happy to do it.

      I hope you have an awesome Sunday!

  4. Hi Karen,

    Sorry for being late this time….it’s just been an overwhelming week with the Internet connections playing havoc! I’m glad it all settled down yesterday and I’m here now 🙂

    Wonderful write-up on Vitamin B12. I know I was advised to take it when I was a little fatigued and drained out after I underwent a small surgery a few years back, and one can make out the huge difference almost immediately as compared to when you miss out on taking such a tablet. Later I switched to iron supplements because lack of iron sometimes also makes you feel tired out.

    I wonder though whether we should take it daily as a supplement, or should it be taken as part of a normal multivitamin tablet that you take daily. I take the latter presently, and I think that’s working well for me. 🙂

    Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead 🙂
    Harleena Singh recently posted…Celebrate the Joy of Giving in Your LifeMy Profile

    1. Harleena –

      A good friend is always right on time. Your time is on the other side of my globe! I’m glad to hear that your net problems have you reconnected and you settled in for a visit.

      You are such an active mom and help so many others. Yes! The B12 in a multi can really keep your body on a healthy energy and maintenance routine. I think of all the young moms who visit my site with health problems and don’t know how they do it!

      When school started this fall, I kept forgetting mine. Then when I got home, it was too late in the day – for me anyway. After a few weeks I remembered and now keep it in my classroom. I’m glad it works to keep you in tip top shape for your busy life.

      All my best,

  5. I Have cirrhosis and will be needing a liver transplant in a few years. I suffer from chronic fatigue and dizziness Would B-12 help my situation?
    I’m a little desperate and want to have a better quality of life than I have now.
    I’d really appreciate your insite on this.
    Thank you.
    Della LeBlanc

    1. Della,

      I’m glad you took the time to chat. Obviously I am a fan of B12 for a lot of reasons. Let me say this though: I’m not sure that I would use it continuously to get me out of bed. I used it a lot during Hepatitis C treatment. It was a last ditch effort. Sometimes the fatigue is rough and we NEED to stop and rest. Trying to stay up when our body is tired is not so smart. BTW- I am talking to myself also, cause I tend to push it too hard.

      I get a small dose daily with my multi vitamin. Have you talked to your doctor about it? It is water soluble and is considered safe for the liver. I’m wondering if the dizziness is associated with blood levels or may sinus? Be sure and stay close to something when you are up walking around. It IS good to get exercise even if you have to sit in bed to do stretches. Your body will get weaker hunnyo.

      You deserve a good quality of life. We all do. I hope that you will be able to transplant before you get too worn out. Looks like I”m hitting the list next week since they found the cancer. Geez. What next, right? Hang in there. I believe we should fight until the last. Find something to fight for dear one. Your life is valuable.
      xoxo Karen:)

      1. HeIlo Karen,
        i’m a little frustrated right now because I just got done answering your reply to my post and then I pressed the wrong button And my message got deleted.
        i spoke with my doctor yesterday and he tells me the reason i’m so dizzy is because I am on Fluid pills.It makes my blood pressure fairly low.
        he tells me we will discuss B12 the next time I see him.
        i was very sorry to hear about your cancer diagnosis. when it rains it pours It would seem.
        you are in my Thoughts and I will keep checking your postS.
        In a couple years we will both be saying heads up! We’re coming through.!!
        Della 🙂

        1. Della,
          I hate it when that happens! ARGH! All the diuretics and meds we take can make us so goofy. I still hang on to stuff when I walk. Yoga helps with the dizziness too because your core strength gets built up!
          I love it! We WILL be saying we’re coming through. All we have to do is keep our heads up one day at a time. Keep me posted on the B12.
          Much love to my sister in the battle,
          xo Karen:)

  6. Hi,

    Just wanted to add my own experience. I am a male, 35 and almost 5 years back, I started loosing my hair in bunch. I was even sacred to touch my hair because every time I put my hand, few strands will fall out I did my blood test and was low on B12 so on my doctors advice , I started taking B12. Its such a miracle, My hair fall stopped and I have so thick and nice hair now. Its been over 5 years now and I still take it everyday.


    1. Thank you so much for sharing this information. I have been losing my hair and it is so upsetting to feel you have no control. I am taking sublingual B12’s and I do think it is helping me. Thanks again, please keep in touch Dee

  7. Great Blog Karen !!!!!!!

    I went to Costco to buy some B12 supplements and they are selling it in form of 2500mcg or even 5000 mcg…. however the following US Dept of Health website states
    “The DV for vitamin B12 is 6.0 mcg”
    “only about 10 mcg of a 500 mcg oral supplement is actually absorbed in healthy people”

    So do you or other people commenting here see any benefit of getting a supplement with a lot of mcgs packed in it?


    1. Hello there Rayhan. yes the FDA is for healthy people and is the very least amount a healthy person would need per day in addition to their healthy diet. It isn’t for people like us who are deficient. You have to do what you feel is right for you. I take the 5,000 mcg You could ask your doctor to be tested for the B12 in your body to see if you are deficient. Also as you have said only 10mcg per 500 mcg taken is absorbed. Thanks for writing in, take care, Dee

  8. I only take about 50 mcg of B-12 daily and that dose works fine for me. I do occasionally take 100 mcg of the active methylcobalamin B-12. Keep in mind, people with liver disease or cirrhosis who don’t eat much salt might need an occasional kelp or dulse tablet for iodine. Certainly be careful and don’t take too much iodine or any if iodine is a problem for you. Just know iodine deficiency might be problem for some people.

    1. I have done a lot of research on B12, you are right methylcobalbamin is the best type to take, better absorbed. Thanks so much for sharing!
      I love the saying “Sharing is caring”

    1. Hi there, as we age our body can’t absorb B12 through our stomach so that can cause problems. For me (not a doctor) that meant leg pain, foggy brain. Our brains don’t operate well without out. I was having awful leg pains, started the sublingual and it helped me quite a bit. Because I have cirrhosis I rarely eat red meat which is where most of our B12 comes from. I hope this helped you a bit. You may want to re-read the article as well. Or you can look up on internet. The site is geared toward helping people. Today is Karen’s anniversary of her liver transplant. She is doing very well. I am her helper Dee, nice to meet you 🙂

  9. Della never give up. Hold on. When the devil comes in like a flood the Lord will lift up a standard against him. Hold on feel better.

    1. You’re best best is to ask your doctor to run a vitamin panel and see where you are low. Many vitamins are fat soluble. That means they are stored in the fat. Vitamin B12 is water soluble so you basically pee it out and your liver doesn’t really have to deal with it. I would still ask and see if your insurance will pay for a lab test.
      If you are looking for energy, maybe some other methods could be helpful too. Simple things like getting enough sleep, eating lower simple sugar foods, doing some form of exercise, and changing your daily routine can help. I still use a vitamin that contains B12 though. Let me know how it turns out!
      Xo Karen

  10. Hi my name is kim, my husband is going threw liver failure, and hes got an iron deficiency problem also to were he cant take no vitamins with iron in them also he cant eat no foods with iron in them.the doctors said that hes had this problem with his iron since he was born,and he didnt know about untill about 2years now.but he has no energy what so ever. Im trying to get some feed back about can he take the vitimin b 12 shots?? Any information that anyone mite have would be very appreciated. Thank you so much. Looking forward to hearing back from anyone that may know more about this

    1. Hay girl,

      Were we able to connect before on facebook? I got hit by spam and this buried my inbox. Please accept my sincere apologies for the delay in response.

      I’m actually researching this right now. My sis was diagnosed with a super high iron level in her blood. So all that to say that there are vitamins with low iron. Bluebonnet has NO iron and is a reliable brand. I hope your husband is leveled out and please watch for more information about high ferritin or iron levels.

      xo Karen

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