Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization is a mouthful! I like the nickname TACE. I think of a taser – like that gun the police chase unruly people with? Seriously, I learned quite a bit about the procedure and my TACE for Liver Tumor from Hepatitis and Cirrhosis is next Tuesday.

Who performs TACE? It’s done by an Intervention Radiologist, and Dr. Stephen Lee, my doctor at Integris broke it down for me. Intervention Radiologists shrink and kill cancerous tumors. Dr. Cesare Gianturco from Italy was a super star in cancer research and the father of the stints. which led to the cathether procedure that is used in TACE.
How is Tace done? The IR doc inserts a tiny catheter into the femoral artery at the top of your leg. It winds up toward the Hepatic Artery. From there, they use X-Ray Angiography to get close to the tumor. Then, they may run more tiny catheters to the “branches” until they are right up on it. I picture a weak tumor surrounded by all these chemo cops and their TACE sticks.
What drugs are used in TACE? After surrounding the tumor with catheters, LC Beads are injected. These teeny tiny particles are soaked in chemotherapy drugs called Doxorubicin or Irinotecan. The beads release the drug slowly over several days. The IR doctor injects, but an oncologist prescribes the chemotherapy beads.
Stun and starve the Tumor!

What happens to the tumor after TACE? Here is where it gets good. The drugs in the LC Beads cut off the blood supply from the hepatic artery. The tumor is sitting there on/in our liver just feeding off of our blood and nutrients. Argh. The chemotherapy in the beads first hit the tumor cells. Then they shut off the food supply. This 1 – 2 punch usually knocks a tumor dead in its tracks.
Why Tace
If HCC is advanced, or the tumor is really large, Tace can shrink it. You can have more than one TACE or Ethanol Alcohol Ablation. I am hoping for a transplant soon. By shrinking or killing the tumor I have a better chance of staying alive til a donor organ becomes available.

If your liver gives out, jaundice, ascites, Hepatic Encephalopathy, and varices are signs the tumor is taking over. I have had those symptoms. You’re going to be fine.
I feel a little sheepish about it sharing my visualization with you guys. I have a cancerous tumor and will use medicine, mental imagery, nutrition, prayer, and whatever else that could work! If you find me on a mountain top dancing at midnight wearing a rosary with a sweet potato taped to my rib cage, and singing Jesus Loves Me – just know that your Best Friend is fighting a battle in her own way!
My Healing Cancer Visualization
Visualizing Healing – I lie down and listen to calming music like indian flute or mediation soundtrack. Earphones help you to tune out distractions and relax.
With my eyes closed and my body relaxed, I imagine myself on a ride at Disney World. It is dark with light flashing around me. The ride is the inside of my body. I see a glow and move toward a grey green tumor. My blood’s T Killer Cells are shooting at it, and then, the chemo beads start zapping it as my White Blood Cells get stronger.

The tumor grows weak and confused. It gets limp and loses energy. The T Cells are wise, huge, and strong. They are counting on me to supply them with good food. The nutrients fiercely zap the cancer cells. The LC Beads keep a steady pulse of chemo streaming on the tumor. It’s almost like a video game watching the different weapons being used.
I zoom around checking on kidneys, heart, and lungs, taking slow breaths and exhaling fully. Inwardly I’m send encouraging thoughts. I hold my hand on my liver and smile, sending calm thoughts to my body.
Finally, I go back by the liver. That hard working organ keeps us all alive even with autoimmune, NASH, HCV, Cirrhosis, and liver cancer. Pushing anxiety away, I see my liver for what it is: A hard shriveled up organ that is still working in spite of that tumor and End Stage Cirrhosis.
Staying Calm
I listen to my doctors, use good diet and nutrition, and keep my mind at rest. I will be brave through the TACE procedure and anything else that comes my way.
It has been a month since they found the tumor. With the Pre-transplant work up last week, and then meeting my oncologist and Interventional Radiologist time has flown! I am ready to start killing that tumor!
In the meantime, I will dream on of shrunken tumors and rest in the hands of my medical team. TACE for Liver Tumor from Hepatitis and Cirrhosis is a proactive stance for me right now!
Sending hugs for words of support about your experiences and fears about TACE. Your best friend in the middle of every battle, xoxo Karen:)
Do you visualize your body working hard to kill the Hepatitis C virus or Liver Cancer? Give it a try.
Peace ushers in hope and creates a healing environment for your body!
Check out the youtube on TACE procedure!
You can find supportive and loving words on all things Hepatitis C by clicking Here
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20 thoughts on “TACE for Liver Tumor from Hepatitis and Cirrhosis”
Karen I read this information and feel within me that you will beat this. I had a friend of mine go thru this in Florida but never understood everything she went thru, however your explanation and detail if very thorough. I would love for you to write a book of your journey…there are many who would benefit from your knowledge and experience. You are in my prayers and listen to your body…while you are talking to it, make sure you listen too. After my first transplant when I had the Arterial hepatic thrombosis (blood clot) my body was sending me messages like dreaming my veins looked like spider webs with knots in them…this was my body telling me I had the blood clot. You are so right to be in tune with your body, and always communicate this concern to your team of physicians…Love you dear, and may you have many blessings come your way with healing prayers being sent!
Emma dear,
I read your comment while I was waiting for my procedure. I remember dreaming while I was coming off Versaid about my artery being open. I love your story about listening to your body. To be honest with you, a transplant sounds so darn scary! And then I read your post and you sound… don’t laugh.. you sound so normal! Life can go on after cancer, and after a TACE procedure, and after a transplant.
It is always so encouraging to hear words from someone who has been there. With my down time I’ve been doing just that – outlining a book. It will be good for me to work through all the information and I sure want to THANK YOU for confirming that I’m heading in the right direction. xoxo I am being more disciplined about staying with the word document and keeping focused. You are an angel friend and I love you too,
xoxoxo Karen:)
My heart is warmed and a smile crosses my face as I read your remarks. I am so happy that you are following your heart.
Prayers for continued healing.
I am grateful for warm hearts, smiles and the prayers from a dear friend.
It’s a strange circumstance to be in. But I’m learning so much about loving and living to the fullest. That’s what it’s about sister friend,
xo Karen:)
I will have TACE done for one 3cm cancer spot on my liver. I pray it stops or kills it. Hep C Cirrhosis present.
MElD score extremely low..
A 3cm race means that your MELD score should go up pretty high. My MELD was 6 or 7 before the tumor was found. Then it went up over 20 just because of the tumor. You get bonus points for cancer. Crazy, huh?
Let me know how it went for you. Will they let you treat for HCV with a tumor? One of our best friends had to wait until after the transplant and he’s clear now!
Sending love, hugs, and prayers.. Karen
You are a ray of bright light!
You just got my first smile of the day award! Ok. A little teary eyed sniffle too. I hope you’re doing well and I’m shining a ray of love on YOU right now.
xo Karen:)
does anyone know if the Tace procedure in done in any s. florida cancer locations?
All it takes is a oncologist to prescribe the treatment, and intervention radiologist to perform it. It can be done at most hospitals. You may need a tumor board and/or a hematologist or transplant team to review the tumor. Then they can decide which option is best for your tumor. I hope it all goes well and you get the treatment you need!
xo Karen:)
I find your blog extremely inspiring. My husband has the same conditions you do and he is currently on his first TACE. Unfortunately his tumor is huge and resisting. The therapy is really kicking his butt right now. I am trying my best to give him good nutrition. Everything organic, low sugar but he still feels like crap. Do you have any suggestions regarding diet or anything else I can try to do to make him feel better? I know you are not a doctor but who better to ask the someone going thru the same thing. Also, will you have to repeat the procedure? Thank you so much Ms. Karen and I hope you and my husband get well soon!!!!!!! -Sonia =)
Oh Sonia I am so sorry to hear how bad your husband is feeling. I am just Dee a friend of Karen’s helping/filling in while she gets better from her transplant. I don’t know what he is feeling so hard for me to recommend. Is he experiencing pain? Perhaps they could prescribe pain medication. Is he having trouble sleeping? Perhaps a sleeping pill or when I was treating my HCV I was given Promethazine, it is a prescription antihistamine which helped me sleep, as did melatonin which is an over the counter supplement. I was very anxious as well so was given a small dose of Xanax. Is he drinking enough water? Lack of water can cause unbelievable side effects, you could do a search for dehydration to see. Also how about his electrolytes? During treatment I had to make sure I had a banana a day, my sister in law almost died from lack of potassium. I also took calcium and magnesium for cramps. I hope some of this helps a little. Hang in there, Dee
Hello Karen,
I want to wish you well on your transplant. I am in the same situation and have been googling for info on others who have courageously fought this fight before me.
Had Y90 then Tace about 4 months ago. First MRI showed tumor gone. Next MRI is on 10/14. I am advised to seek a transplant as they predict it will be back.
And yes the TACE procedure was a bear afterwards. I felt the pain.
This is quite a journey.
Hi there, this is quite a journey, I am not sure how Karen did it all, between the HCV, liver failure, cancer then transplant. She is my hero. Hang in there, please let us know how your test is. Have you been listed for a transplant? I hope so. Depending on where you live it can take a while to get one or you can get one very quickly, good luck, keep in touch, Dee
I just found your posts today … my husband just went through his first TACE Procedure about 3 weeks ago. Waiting another few weeks for another MRI to see how the procedure worked. It’s been an exhausting and scary “journey” for us since he was diagnosed. Any tips on healthy eating and other wellness things that we can do on our own to try to beat this evil HCC Liver Cancer? ALL HELP (AND PRAYERS) ARE APPRECIATED. Thanks & God Bless!
Oh…dear one, I am sorry to hear this. I hope he is doing okay. As you can see Karen had the TACE to keep her going until she could have her transplant.
She has a drop down box called Liver Loving Recipes and you could try eliminating red meat, fried food, up the water as much as you can, drop the processed foods. Get enough protein. Karen drinks protein shakes every day with fruits and veggies. When she was first diagnosed with HCV cirrhosis, she only ate Oatmeal until she could figure out what was wrong with her. She was not diagnosed for 30 years, had no clue she had it until she started retaining water so much none of her clothes would fit.
I hope all goes well. Dee
My husband had treated with tase, but after treatment,he had suffered with bad hiccups , he is really in a big trouble now
Did the hiccups cause additional pain? It is not easy to fix this problem if it lasts a long time. The doctor may have a suggestion. I always try deep breathing. Take a long slow inhale while counting to 10. Hold the breath for as long as possible. Slowly exhale. Breath through the nose with mouth closed. This is the best cure I know of.
This technique can also help him to relax in case he is tense and tired from all the stress of liver cancer and Tace treatment. I am sending love and prayers and hope that deep breathing can help him a lot!
xo Karen
My Father had TACE twice but unfortunately he didnt survive…Now another family member is sick…the doctor wants to open and see the condition of the liver to determine if he needs SIRT or TACE…is it safe to open and close then do these procedures???
I apologize for the late response. First, I am so sorry to hear about your father. My dad died from liver disease, and I know it was painful for me and I miss him a lot. As far as the other family member, I have never heard of this and hope that you were able to get a second opinion…
xo Karen
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