Surprise Tournament of Roses Parade after Liver Cancer Scare

There are not enough words to describe my joy after being told that I would be riding in the Tournament of Roses Parade with my organ donor. You know how I feel about Gavin. I keep him under my ribcage where he’s lovingly sharing my life. It’s an incredible experience to be an organ recipient. In addition to extra years of life, there is the privilege of carrying another person’s future with you. Gavin’s life was cut short. I’m a spiritual person who believes in an eternal connection that supersedes everything we experience here on earth. In a supernatural way, medical science teamed up and made a tragedy into a miracle. 

I told you there were not enough words. Let me just plow right in with the fantastic news that we will be participating in several events in Pasadena California.

Holiday Getaway

Well, it actually starts before Christmas. Joe and I have been planning a little trip on the front end. We had early holidays with our family and headed to the hills. We just love to prepare for New Years Eve. We love it SO much that it was actually the way we fell in love. We met online and were talking about how we celebrated New Years and come to find out, I had met my Match. Literally and figuratively.

Every joy and adversity continue to draw us closer to finding our purpose here on earth. He completed 2 books this year and you can find them here. They deserve their own blog, but if you buy them, your first audio book is free right here. They’re the kind of books you can read right through, or you can open it up to any place and find a nugget of gold. It’s very affirming. Now you’ll know one of the reasons why I am so happy all the time. These books are our morning coffee chats. Anyway, we are going on another writer’s retreat. We’re staying in northern California for a week. THEN we will head to Pasadena.

Courage to Hope

The Tournament of Roses Parade

Once we get there, the Donate Life experience starts with a LifeShare Oklahoma Dinner. The following morning, we get to go work on the float- a TOTAL lifetime goal of mine. I never dreamed that my work would honor Gavin as I put in a rose for him. Titled Courage to Hope, it is a beautiful creation made of plants, herbs, and flowers. I’ll put a pic of the mock up. That evening we will attend a special dinner just for donor families from around the country, and also other recipients like me. Recipients are the most grateful people I’ve ever met and it’s always quite emotional to meet donor families who choose to attend. 

I Hope We Win

The next morning is the judging. We do a total dress rehearsal. I will spend the morning sitting in a gondola (it has a Sicilian theme) while the judges go around looking at all of the floats. I’ve heard it is super exciting. That afternoon is free for sightseeing and shopping. Later, we will attend a gala with the Tournament of Roses Queen and her Court. I’m taking my fave LBD (little black dress) and plan on dancing the night away.  

New Years Goals xs Bazillion

New Years Eve is always a solemn ritual for us. We have been working in our planners and setting our minds toward the future. It features candles and journals and hearts of gratitude. Except that night, there will be a huge party that will coincide with the ball dropping in NYC. We’re going, and it will be fun and I look forward to dressing up again. Honestly, I have to be downstairs for my ride to the float at 5:00 AM. We’ll be in bed early. Then we begin our 12th New Year together on January 1st and I’ll be riding down Colorado Boulevard. It sounds like a dream and I can’t believe it’s happening! Joe has a seat in the grandstands. I love a parade. Big smiles and waterproof mascara.

The Granddaddy of them All

At the end, I’ll get a ride back to meet Joe and we are going straight to the Rose Bowl Game. We’ve watched closely to see who will be there. Honestly, we love sporting events and it will be a thrill to be at the Grandaddy of them all. 

On January 2, I’ll be home. I’m out to celebrate my 2nd chance at life and honor my donor and my hometown of Sand Springs, Oklahoma. I look for miracles every day since Hep C and cancer. I live a life of faith and know that everything good comes because I have put my trust in God. There are just times when the goodness seems to overflow. Some people might think I have a lot of hard times and limiting situations. I only see the potential for continued growth and ability to show gratitude to the friends, liver disease community, family, and medical staff that have brought me this far. It’s humbling to be so honored here and I’m Thankful.

Starting the New Year with Love and Gratitude

I’ll be practicing my wave and holding YOU all in my heart. xoxo Karen



8 thoughts on “Surprise Tournament of Roses Parade after Liver Cancer Scare”

    1. Dawn,
      Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. It truly means a lot. This little website is my home and I love having friends drop in. I’m finally getting caught up on sleep and of course, back to work. We work so hard to overcome our symptoms and struggles with liver disease, and then to have LifeShare of Oklahoma offer that to me was so amazing. Very humbling too.
      Sending all best hugs and Happy New Year,
      xo Karen

    1. Thank you so much Sam! It was quite a GRAND way to start the New Year. I’m so thankful to have that experience. Getting to meet other transplant patients is fun and also gives me hope. I met some people who are almost 30 years post op.
      I look forward to seeing you at a TRIO Oklahoma meeting for transplant patients and those waiting on transplant soon.
      xo Karen

  1. I love you sweet friend. So excited for you. I’ll be watching to see if I can see you on the float. Someday…someday maybe I’ll get to ride too. Who knows.

    Have lots of fun. So thankful that “no cancer” is still your story.


    1. Terri,
      What an amazing time. I don’t know that there has been anything more exciting! When I was diagnosed with liver disease, everything was so scary. One step at a time, I kept plowing through. Starting a new year in the Rose Bowl Parade was like a miracle dream come true.
      Thanks so much for your warm wishes here on the website.
      Hugs and Happy New Year!
      xo Karen

  2. Karen, we are so proud of the work you have done. No one deserves the honor of participating in the Rose Bowl Parade more than you.

    1. Sue,
      Thank you. That means so much. It was a grand experience. Watching it televised is huge, being there was indescribable. We’re also so glad to have gotten to see the Rose Bowl Football game. Who could have guessed where patient advocacy would lead.
      Of course you know this better than anyone!
      Thanks for all that you’ve done over the years.
      xo Karen

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