Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Dearest Friends, if I could give you one present for Christmas, it would be the ability to stop comparing yourself to others. First, you will have to receive this gift in order for it to be useful. If no one unwrapped the gifts I have under the tree, it would be poor use of my time, money, love, and effort. The same is true of you. If you live your life comparing yourself to others, it would be such a waste. 

karen stop comparing yourself to others

You might think that you don’t fall into the comparison trap. If you stop and listen to your thought life, it could be very revealing. Take a look at your daily activities, thought life, or the things you purchase. Ask yourself if you are truly getting your needs met, or are looking to fill an emptiness inside in order to “measure up” to someone else. If you’re going to stop comparing yourself to others, here are a few tips to get started today!

Unwrap Some Truth

Be in the Moment. One thing that helps me is meditation or prayer. When I relax my muscles, and notice my breath, I can really hear my busy thought life. Since having Hep C, cancer, and the transplant, I’ve learned to joyfully and peacefully be in this present moment. It takes a lot of practice, but when I hear any comparison coming on, I nip it in the bud. Just this morning, during my meditation, thoughts of past Christmas seasons where I baked pies, rolls, and cookies panged my heart. Well, the Liver Loving Diet saved my life, and I’m not about to go back to my old ways of eating. I can’t compare to life back then. 

Mantra: I move into my joyful future with health and healing. 

Karen Hoyt

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Focus on Your Gifts. When you see what others have, or what they are doing, you may get “less than” thoughts. If you think of all the ways you bring goodness into the world, the negative thoughts will fade. You may have to repeatedly speak a positive phrase to yourself. By replacing the old thoughts, victimization and jealousy move away. I see people running, or enjoying a full time career and feel like those things were stolen from me by illness. It can make me feel sad and depressed. In fact, I felt that way this morning. I went for a short walk and fed the crows up and down my lane. It helped me see that I’m am connected to all life on the planet. 

Mantra: I am perfect, just being me.

Karen Hoyt

Media Mania. When scrolling channels, or social feed, it is crazy the amount of crap we see. We were watching football, and commercials showed smiling women getting diamonds, or happy men drinking wine or beer. That, is pure bull crap. We don’t need those things to have abundant life. I love to post pics of my life, but my friends know that I’m “in the process” just like them. Money, good looks, and better stuff doesn’t not compare to peace of mind and self love. 

Mantra: Today, I have everything I need to be happy and healthy. 

Karen Hoyt

Wrapping It Up

If you’re trying to stop comparing yourself to others, this can help. Let go of the past and don’t worry about the future, because right now you have all you need to be joyful. By recognizing your best traits, you know that YOU are enough. Spend less time reading about those who seem to have it all, and know that you have everything you need to be happy. By speaking these phrases, or mantras, you can stop comparing yourself to others and move forward into a wonderful new year. I love you all so much and wish you a Happy Holiday. xo Karen

Click the Start Here checkered flag for more about how to strengthen your personal life while dealing with cancer, liver disease, or Hepatitis.



4 thoughts on “Stop Comparing Yourself to Others”

  1. Thanks for sharing your post about comparison.
    I was just having a convo with my son last night about how he compares himself to his siblings and how it is a lie he tells himself. I am working with him to really change his mindset so he is less focused on others and more focused on himself and the changes he can make to improve himself.

    1. Thanks for stopping by. You’re such a wise father to encourage your son. First of all, really, the fact that you notice it. It really touches my heart to see you helping by observing, and encouraging a better mindset.
      You made my day!

  2. I’m going to read this. I’ll be sure to come back. thanks for sharing. and also This article gives the light in which we can observe the reality. this is very nice one and gives indepth information. thanks for this nice article…

    1. I’m glad you found this article and hope it hits the spot for you. I’m not sure how indepth it is, but hope it helps. Comparison is subtle and seems to be so easy today with all of the forms of media. I’ve seen so many people lose a sense of gratitude for what they have, and who they are.
      Thanks for stopping by!

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