Protein is Vital for Healthy Liver Maintenance

Protein is vital for healthy liver maintenance

The liver is the only organ that regenerates, but it needs healthy proteins to do so. The liver heals itself! Protein is vital for healthy liver maintenance on Hepatitis C treatment and with cirrhosis. Find out what protein is safe and foods to avoid.

With cirrhosis, you may have a hard time processing protein. Too much protein leads to too much ammonia and hepatic encephalopathy and can be avoided through a liver loving diet and possibly medication like xifaxin or lactulose, if needed.

You may not realize it, but one of the major side effects of liver disease is malnutrition. Sounds scary, huh? This can be especially true if you are undergoing any form of Hepatitis C treatment where nausea and fatigue are the enemy of nutrition. Medications can be also hard on the liver and kidneys.

How Much Protein?

Talk with your doctor or nutritionist and find the balance that is right for you. I was put on 60 grams of protein a day when my MELD score was high right after diagnosis. Post treatment, my transplant doctor advised me to go for 80 grams a day.  Your nutritional needs may differ and this is just a general guide for grams. I work out and run and my doctor feels that my muscles need it for recovery. No matter how much protein your doctor recommends for you, these are the tastiest and healthiest sources in my cabinet!

Easy Ways to Eat Healthy Protein

Greek yogurt can deliver 10 to 15 grams of protein. Try adding fresh or frozen fruit, crunchy granola or cereal. Some of you may dump it into a shake with ice cream. It’s worth the effort to get used to it if you have liver disease.

Poultry  is a good meat source, and here is how I cook it. You can buy free range, grain fed, or bulk frozen packages. Just be sure to check the sodium content.

My transplant team gave me the go ahead for a steak due to anemia.  I now indulge more frequently in ground bison, beef, roast, and yes, that occasional steak. It’s important to listen to your body and your doctor here.

Pork is my ham substitute. A pork steak or ground pork can be used as seasoning or served as a main dish. A good balance is the key to meat sources when living with liver disease. Please read my blog on what kind of protein is good .Talk with your doctor and let them know that you are taking charge of your liver disease!

Beans have protein and fiber. You can be so creative with black beans, pinto, kidney or navy beans. They can be served cooked in a dish, or cold with a fresh salad. Watch out for salt in canned beans!

Nuts top the list and are an easy snack to pack. There is no end to finding ways to use walnuts, almonds, pecans, and peanuts. Again, let me flash that warning of checking your sodium content.

Granola or Cereal

I’ve been delighted to find that since my diagnosis, a number of manufacturers have come out with high protein on their labels! It is easy now to find high protein in bars and dry cereals. Many times they are whey or rice protein, both of which are very good for you. I keep them with me at all times for a quick hit of protein. They’re like my candy bar. With cereals it’s important to watch out for B12. I learned this the hard way when I would eat a bowl before bed if I had not consumed enough protein that day. I would be wide awake at 2:00 A.M. Everyone is different, but it’s just something to watch for.

Grains.  Quinoa contains up to 20 grams of protein per cup! Amaranth, rye, kamut, spelt, oats and other grains can be cooked in a variety of ways.

Eggs show up in omelets, skillet meals, meat loaf, scrambled, fried, or boiled.

Protein Shake. I love powdered protein and  shop for what’s on sale. Look for a high protein content with very little added supplements and vitamins.

Healing with Good Protein

Good protein can help you heal. You’re muscles need it to grow, heal, and maintain strength. Our liver does not process protein well if we have liver disease or Hepatitis c.   Getting the right amount of protein is relatively easy. Don’t let it get you down that protein has the potential to be your enemy. You can eat scrumptious food from a variety of sources giving your liver what it needs without sending you into side effects from protein overload. Keep checking back on the site. I’m learning more about how protein is vital for healthy liver maintenance every day!

Your BFF in battling the Hepatitis C dragon and cirrhosis, Karen:)







13 thoughts on “Protein is Vital for Healthy Liver Maintenance”

  1. Thank you so much for this great information! I don’t have Hep C (as far as I know) but I have had liver disease for at least 15 years. Lately I have been feeling pains in my liver area, and worried that maybe I needed something in my diet… I’m a vegetarian , and I know I do not get enough protein on a daily basis, now I will make sure to get enough!!!

    1. Monique,

      Liver disease can differ in the cause, but the results and care of the liver are much the same. I read a lot about Nash, fatty, etc to get as much insight as possible into cirrhosis. I lean toward vegan and have for most of my life. It is so very easy to get the balance we need for protein. I hope you read about is protein good or bad. I’ve been looking into ways to reverse fibrosis. My doctor says protein is key!

      There are so many good plant based proteins available now. I hope you do well with your diet and see the results that will extend your life and help you get the energy you need too! We’re doing it!! Thank you for stopping by!

      Good luck and have a wonderful weekend,
      xo Karen:)

    2. Monique,

      Thank you for stopping by to comment. When it comes to liver disease, it doesn’t matter really how you got it or what specific type. They care of the liver is the same. I’d actually learned a lot from my cousin who has fatty liver disease.

      I’ve done a lot of research and spoke with so many doctors about the protein issue. Healing the liver is so important. We have to make peace with our protein for sure! I can lean toward the vegetarians side of life. When all of the new plant based protein drinks a day is easy to get all the essentials in our diet though.
      All my best to you in your healthcare journey. I hope you’ll stay in contact and if you discover something you be sure and share it. We are best friends in the liver disease battle!

      Thanks again for dropping by,
      xoxo Karen:)

  2. Karen what brand of protein powder do you suggest using. I have hep and love this blog

    1. Hi Jill,

      I read this and thought I commented. If it’s a double, please pardon! I am using Garden of Life which is plant based and uses raw and sprouted grains for the protein. It is very “green” and is a good all in one whole food. Nutiva and Tera’s are also great brands.

      There are other good brands also. Peaceful planet uses rice for protein. I do steer away from whey and soy for shakes because they bother my stomach. With varices, I don’t like icky stomach. Many are able to use it easily. With end stage cirrhosis I have to be more careful. Let me say that I have bought whey protein for my kids and they love it!

      I mix with almond milk and fruit or sometimes with cool coffee. It takes the guilt out of my day. Haha!

      You’re the bomb for taking time to tell me you love my blog. It is a huge part of my life and I am so happy to have a computer again! I hope you will be able to treat soon with one of the new drugs! Keep me posted girl and let me know if you have any questions.

      xo Karen:) PS my granddaughter is a Jill <3

      1. Hi Karen,
        Im the new kid on the blog and I am just lovin your blog the more I browse arnd. So sorry for my low boo hoo momemts, still dealing with the shock of the news. Any how what type of coffee do you drink, do you have a name brand. Also, on the alternative supplements what do you think about all of them?
        Milk Thistle dandelion root tea, lipoic acid just to name a few….. also do I need to go to the gym to get my excercise or do you have a regiment that you do. Iam 62 and couldn’t run if I wanted too. Thank you again for your blog……………..

        1. I will look for you on fb when I log on here in a minute. Don’t worry about brands. Just buy what is on sale! Check out my blogs on exercise. For example, I am doing a 30 minute with low weights today. I’m having a procedure done tomorrow and will not do much but yoga after that.

          Good luck and you are Welcome here any time best friend,

          1. thank you. okay you refer to your blog for alot of things, i think im missing alot. where do I find the juices, and now the excercise I m lost in your blog. 🙂

          2. In the right side of the home page (or every page I think) you can see the words Best Friends Start Here. Click that and it will take you to a menu where you can see just about every blog I have written. They are divided up by topic. The exercise ones are on the bottom I think. xoxo You’re a trooper!

  3. Hi Karen,
    I’d really like to connect with you and learn more…
    My mom found out this past year she has hep c and has stage 4 liver cirrhosis. She currently under going the triple therapy and it is making her quite ill… She’s not consuming enough protein. I’d like to get a protein powder for her but I don’t know what one is best… Could you please help me??

    1. Hi Shai!

      I love connecting with others who are going through the same thing. First, let me thank you.. as a mother, I know how important our daughter’s support is. Did you read my blog about daughters? xoxo
      There are a lot of good protein shakes out there. When I was nauseated on treatment, the only thing that helped me was those Boost shakes. Maybe it was because they were easy. But honestly, she will probably tell you that even that gags her.
      Right now I am using Raw Meal from Garden of LIfe which has sprouted chia and other plant based proteins. I mix it with a rice based protein for 2 reasons. It helps make it smooth. (It has a lot of fiber). And rice is cheaper so it cuts the cost.
      I’m currently looking at new stuff because there are almost NO calories in the Garden of LIfe and I need about 5 lbs to come back on. Watch for a new blog on it, okay?
      I’ve written about diet for treatment and am kinda going back to it now since i’m dealing w nausea. Oatmeal, bananas, toast, and eggs seem to always go down well. I would fry up several eggs well done in olive oil. Then I stuck them in the fridge and make little sandwiches when nothing else sounded good.
      All my love to you and your mama. Take care of you too girl.
      xoxo Karen:)

  4. Hi Karen,
    I have hap C, and get liver transplant on Nov. 29, 2016.
    It is really helping me to learn more from you. Please keep me posted.

    1. Congratulations! What a life saving miracle for you. My prayers for you and for your donor family. We will always be friends in this journey together.

      xo Karen

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