Online Dating when You’re Sick

Online dating can be fun. When I was single and sick. I spent a lot of time being the 3rd wheel with friends, but I was lonely and wanted my own date. Sure, guys flirted with me at social events and even at church, but nothing clicked between us. Honestly, how do you tell a romantic interest that you have Hepatitis and end stage liver disease? Finally, my friend signed me up for an online dating service. When you’re sick, you may wonder if it’s a safe way to meet a “new” man or woman. You’ll never know til you try and here’s my best advice. 

online dating when you're sick karen hoyt cirrhosis


To attract the right person, describe yourself with words about your personality, strengths, and background. Tell what’s important to you like family, friends, work, or hobbies. I believe it’s okay to leave out health conditions here. In my opinion, that can come after a date or two. Focus on the things you want someone to know about you. You’ll be reading their profile looking for clues too! Mine was something about being a nerdy bookworm whose love for music was all over the map. Nerd Alert: I put in my favorite authors. My profile mentioned that time is short, and I wanted someone who knew what they wanted in a relationship. I was dying with liver disease and didn’t want any players, and I also am not good at faking anything. 


It’s fun to scroll pictures before reading a word. My friends helped me take a few. You want them to be current. Once I messaged a guy for 2 weeks and then met him. He had posted a 20 year old picture! More about that one in the next blog. In one pic, I was super swollen from ascites. It made me look younger since my face was all plumped out. Let go of your self consciousness and post some images of you taking part in a hobby you enjoy, and also some in different types of clothes. I had one in jeans, one in a dress, and another wearing shorts while holding my friends dog. Not sure what that was about, but my hair looked good. Avoid using filters in your pics for online dating sites. Just be the real you!


You’ll have a chance to check boxes with all the things that interest you. Choose the top ones, and remember that your potential date has probably checked the same box. I was afraid that no one message me after seeing how boring I can be. My interests were nature, singing, reading, teaching, literature, spirituality, yoga, exercise, history, cooking, and sewing. I was the perfect date for a guy who wanted a long walk in the woods followed by a nice relaxing evening on the couch talking and eating soup. You know what? It worked for me.


Even if you enjoy an occasional glass of wine, be careful. One guy liked “wine” on his profile and then got drunk on our first date. Thankfully I had my own car. NEXT

Online Dating When You’re Sick

Whether you’re looking for love, sex, or marriage, online dating when you’re sick can be fun and definitely keeps life interesting. Read more about that on here. The future has a lot to offer and you deserve to have a loving relationship. The next few posts will focus on which apps are best and meeting in public for the first time. Look in the mirror sweetie, your time is now! xo Karen



10 thoughts on “Online Dating when You’re Sick”

    1. That’s for both men and women. I think a lot of it has to do with age, and with health concerns. Some people think sex is about performing. That’s not where intimacy begins, and you probably know that.
      I’ll just throw it out there that some leisure time spent relaxing and enjoying each other is far more pleasurable than a three ring circus and no communication.
      Men can always use the med if they want to try extra, but for most couples who really know each other, that can always be discussed as to whether they will use it or not.
      Have I been appropriately vague enough and still addressed your comment? xo

    1. Well, as far as a remedy – I know for sure that filling out the profile and taking a chance on love will work out.

      A lot of it boils down to knowing what you really want. For example, the guy I met and ended up marrying, knew what didn’t work for him, and what did work for him. Same with me.

      It helped us to be more honest about who we were as individuals, and want we wanted in a dating relationship. In the old days there was that kissing a lot of frogs before you meet your prince or princess. It kind of works the same way, but online!

  1. A debt of gratitude is in order for sharing your outcomes and bits of knowledge. Your messages are one of only a handful of any I truly appreciate perusing.

    1. Well thank you so much! I believe in keeping it honest with the details of living with liver disease. Our personal relationships are so important! We all want to be surrounded with people who understand and will support us.
      All my best to you and let me know if there are other topics you’d like me to research. I’ll keep sharing my knowledge and staying in community with you all!

      XO Karen

  2. Nice article. You articulate everything in a proper way this post a so brilliant and valuable, thank you such a great amount for sharing. I really enjoyed reading about how to get help with personal life and .keep going. All the best

    1. You’re welcome and thanks for stopping by. I was super fortunate and also know that taking the time to do it right can pay off BIG time. I hope you find everything your heart desires.

  3. you were doing a good job, because your blog is very much interesting to read.i will not be dating soon because of having severe pain in my liver. i am happy that you have made this blog for all the help we need.

    1. I’m sorry to hear about your liver pain. I think that when you are in pain, it is hard to think about feelings of love when you’re ill.

      Please let your doctor know where you are feeling pain and keep me really posted! See my blog or youtube about liver pain too! I’ve been there and lived through it. Keep up the faith and stick with a good gastroenterologist.

      xo Karen

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