“Give me the whole truth” I told the doctor. After hearing that I wouldn’t make it to Christmas, I wanted details, kinda. You and I both know that we can’t take it all in at once. Part of you wants to know everything now. Another other part of you wants to bury your head in the sand. What if there were a way to have it somewhere in between? My health care wishes: Prognosis Declaration delivers. With that document, my health care wishes can be known by my doctor, and also my family and friends. It’s your body and mind, and everyone has a right to know exactly how you feel about your medical care.

Why is it important to have a Prognosis Declaration?
Prepared – When decisions need to be made, it’s best to know ahead of time how your health care will be managed. Then, YOU will be in control of how much information you want. Think about it as advanced directive for you peace of mind.
With the initial diagnosis of liver disease and decompensated illness, I started with option 1. because I wanted to know everything. Every med that went past my mouth required an explanation. Then, I had another emergency room run with multiple blood transfusions. After that, i just wanted peace. I told anyone listening that the worry was stressing me out, and I needed a break.
So, I went to option 2. I did what I was told without asking for details. It was a relief in many ways. My sister had permission to get all the information she wanted, and I told her to leave me out of it, until the cancer. This led to my advanced directive during transplant listing.
Following, is the official Prognosis Declarations written by my friend, Steve Scheier. He wrote this after his wife died of liver cancer. It was their respectful way of communicating her wishes to her family and doctor.
Take it to your doctor’s office and ask them to talk to you, and put a copy in your file. Let everyone know how you feel about the important medical concerns in your life.
My Health Care Wishes: Prognosis Declaration
I wish to participate in my care, and to always operate from a position of “informed consent”. That being true, information on my prognosis can be difficult for health care practitioners to offer, and for patients to accept. In order to facilitate communication with my physician, I opt for one of the following options:
OPTION 1 Tell me everything about my likely prognosis, including the recommended course of treatment, my expected life expectancy, and the challenges inherent in the treatment option I decide to pursue. Be direct, but kind with me. Spare me no details. I want to know what is ahead of me.
OPTION 2 I’ve not yet decided what I want to know about my prognosis, but please feel free to ask me whether I want additional information over the course of my treatment.
OPTION 3 I want to participate in my treatment, but I DON’T want to receive any information on my prognosis.
OPTION 4 I don’t wish to know any information about my prognosis, but I authorize you to speak with _________________________________ about my case and for you to answer any questions that this person may have about my likely prognosis and treatment.
This is so helpful
Of course, you will have to have a conversation about HIPPA violations and laws, advanced care directives, and a host of other things if you are terminally or chronically ill. Don’t get all caught up in sadness about this. It CAN empower you to take charge of your health care. I’ve got a PDF here for you to print.
My Health Care Wishes- Prognosis Declaration-ilovepdf-karenhoyt ihelpc.com Steve sheirer
Please share My health care wishes: Prognosis Declaration with your family and friends, and especially your medical provider. xoxo Karen

This document was written, and generously shared with us by Steve Scheier. He wants everyone to be able to use this freely, so please print it and pass it on. You can also find a copy on his website at decsionclaritygroup.com. His email address is steve@decisionclaritygroup.com.
2 thoughts on “My Health Care Wishes: Prognosis Declaration”
Karen Hoyt, Siroz ile yaşamak için saçma bir yaklaşım sunuyor. Hepatit C tedavisi gören bir kişi, farkındalık yaratmasını ve https://www.ihelpc.com adresindeki En İyi Arkadaşları için savunuculuğu yapmasını sağlayan, karaciğer seven bir diyet ve yaşam tarzı yaratt
Thank you for sharing. I’m glad you found this useful and were able to translate into Turkish language. If I can help you or your loved ones, please contact me!
Eating simple good food can carry you a long way while waiting for treatment.
All my best!! xoxo Karen
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