Low Sodium Food Shopping Lament – A List to Love

If you’re living with high blood pressure, kidney or liver disease, no matter what the cause, you’ve probably been told that a low sodium (loso) diet is mandatory. I was told that 2,000 mg a day is my max. Ascites was actually my warning signal that my liver was failing. I rode my bike for miles one day and was bloated like a pregnant woman the next! After draining 2 liters, and hearing a grim forecast for my future, I made some big honking changes in my diet. You can too! When I first began reading the fine print at the grocery store the realization hit that 90% of what was on the shelf was no longer going in my shopping cart. I have successfully taken the Hepatitis C treatment but still live with cirrhosis. I always eat the right food as if my life depended on it. It does!
I do have good news! The low sodium Gods are on our side. Manufacturers have begun to cater to my every whim. I discover new products all the time that allow me to eat flavorful and easy to prepare dishes. It’s just a matter of remodeling your kitchen cupboards and fridge to make it simple to think loso. I’m not in advertising. I don’t get paid to push any brands. But I have done a lot of work compiling and cooking with low sodium and no sodium products. You, dear friend, are now the beneficiary of my experience! No thanks necessary. You would do the same for me, right?
Here’s my list of “Got to Have Allatime” items. What do you use?
Spice Cabinet
Mrs. Dash – oodles and gobs of great herb blends that spice up everything! I keep a ton of spices. It may be costly at first. Add a few at a time to your grocery cart and you will soon have a nice stock. I have not used salt for years due to the threat of heart disease, so it was easy for me.
Baking Soda – Ener G brand has to be bought at a health food store or ordered online. Regular soda is an item to be avoided at all costs. It has up to 300 mg. of sodium per serving and is nothing but trouble if you are avoiding ascites. You may have to play with the amount – Usually you can double what the recipe calls for. It can be experimented with for cookies and breads. I’ve had some good hockey pucks, I mean biscuits. Lol. Still working on it! Watch for recipes or if you find some that work, let me know on Facebook, Twitter, or email.
Baking Powder – Hains – No sodium baking powder. It has no aluminum in it.
Williams Seasonings -Original Chili, Tex-Mex, Chipotle, Onion – I use them for Taco Meat too!
Herb Ox makes a great powdered boullion package that has NO sodium.
Kitchen Bouquet is a liquid that my grandmother used a lot and it has NO sodium also! Great way to flavor up the meats or soups.
Canned Foods
Hunts, Del Monte, and Heinz – Tomatoes, Tomato Sauce
Kusher – Good pinto, navy, kidney, garbonzo, and navy beans for all things Mexican, or for soups, recipes,etc
Campbells – Loso Cream of Mushroom and Cream of Celery soup. What a gift
Westbrae Natural – NO Sodium mustard. HUGE! This is HUGE for me!
Hunts, Del Monte, and Heinz – Low Sodium Ketchup
Allegro Raspberry Chipotle Marinade – I mix w/ loso ketchup as a barbque sauce. Sure beats the home made sauces I was trying. Fast and easy!
Walden Farms has a barbecue sauce that has 100 mg per Tbs. I add it to my own concoction sometimes. Check it out- Low Sodium Barbecue Sauce.
The low sodium soy sauce is a disappointment. I add a tiny bit of Braggs Liquid Aminos occasionally to a stir fry.
Salsa – Ole! I love to make salsa in the summer. It is fairly easy to buy a store brand with 100 mg sodium for 2 Tbs. I go through a jar a month. Watch for a recipe soon.
Lo-so bacon – several brands available at most grocers. Sausage? Sorry. It’s got too much sodium for this girl.
Hot dogs – This is tricky and expensive… Coleman, Aaron’s, Hatfields, Hebrew National Loso, Abeles & Heymann are loso.
Boar’s Head is pricey, but low sodium.
Cheese and Dairy
Swiss Cheese – Straight up! At 30 mg per slice, it can’t be beat. I bought Sargento Co-Jack cheese sticks that are 105 mg and a great protein snack. I use cheddar sparingly.
Greek Yogurt has a lot of protein and very little sodium.
Sour Cream has a light low sodium content version in most stores.
Butter comes unsalted and you can mix with an Olive Oil based margarine. Buttery spray is also a good choice.
Oh my! I love bread. Most of it has 100 or more mg of sodium per slice. Sometimes it is worth it if the rest of the meal is low sodium. You can bake your own if you have the time. I plan on using the yeast more this year. When I get in the habit, it is easy to throw it out with very little trouble and no sodium. Bottom line? Right now I have better things to do.
Ezekial Bread – NO sodium in the freezer section. It’s whole grain, but has good protein for liver patients! It’s my easy alternative to going over on sodium or baking from scratch.
Cadia or Border’s Tortilla Chips – Oh yeah, I’m talking chips and no guilt!
Frozen Foods
Nathan’s Frozen French Fries – Another guilt buster. I’m living the liver loving life now! I add Mrs. Dash or plain garlic powder (not garlic salt) and it’s better than fast food!
Any frozen vegetable has less sodium than canned. Funny, but the store brand is usually lower in salt than name brands. Grab a medley for stir fry or as a side dish. I add extra corn to stretch a medly since it costs less. However, if you have room in your freezer, stock up when they are on sale!
Oatmeal or Cream of Wheat are both good for cholesterol and stick to your ribs, as grandma used to say. In addition, my snacky food is the shredded mini wheat w/ blueberry, strawberry, or cinnamon flavor. I keep them in a zip lock baggie. You can eat all you want of these little babies! Watch for sales and stock up!
Where to Buy
Most of these items can be purchased at Walmart, Target, or your local chain. Some trips to the health food store are sure to reap a harvest of low sodium items too. If you decide to shop online, there are some links at the bottom.
I am a little greedy with my low sodium items. When cooking hot dogs, serving potato chips, or serving a salad for a big crew, they get the regular stuff. Nobody messes with my ketchup, mustard, or lunch meat. Like they want to! Haha! For most meals, I just cook it Low Sodium Liver Loving and no one notices. My grandkids even brag to their friends that they eat healthy food at Nana’s. I buy some junk food for them and they will head to my protein bars and fresh fruit every time. I’ll add more as I find them so watch for updates on this blog.
I feel that eating right since the diagnosis with Hepatitis C and cirrhosis has been one of the things that saved my life. It does not have to cost a fortune. It will take time, but everyone can look for ways to reduce the sodium in their diet. You’re gonna live longer. You’re gonna be healthier. It can not fix everything. Believe me, I know. Doesn’t it feel good to think that you can have the energy you need? You can enjoy your life and your family for much longer. I’ve been called a Nutritional Ninja. I can roll with that. It’s a compliment.
xoxo Karen:) aka Donatello?
25 thoughts on “Low Sodium Food Shopping Lament – A List to Love”
Hi Karen,..I wrote to you last night and I’m not sure if in did it right,..might not have gone through. I work with my husband and travel for our work,..but our home is in Broken Arrow. I have been getting list of info from your blogs and wanted to say thanks! It’s been wonderful to be able to go to a site and see that there is someone out there that understands. My husband has hep C and cirrhosis,..currently on the transplant list. It’s scary and frustrating and it’s been an ease just reading your info. Thank you so much. ~Lisa
Sooo very glad to see your comment! My hard drive crashed and I’m behind on everything for a few more days. Howdy neighbor! That is too cool that you’re in BA. I lived there when diagnosed. We have GOT to meet for a cuppa coffee! It’s so good for the liver.
You know, it was in the living room in BA where I first searched for info on the net. I spent a lot of time on cirrhosis sites and got so scared! That’s why I blog and it makes me feel so good that you have benefitted from it. This is not the end. It is just the beginning of a new stage of life for your husband. Does he go to OKC for transplant visits? Honestly, email me at ihelpc.com@gmail.com and we will plan a time to meet. OK?
xoxoxoxo So glad to see your comment and happy that we connected through the net!
Hi,..my husband has hep C & cirrhosis. We travel for work and eating is a big problem. We live in Broken Arrow but spend most if our time on the road. As you know it’s pretty hard to cook meals in a hotel. Lately he has been retaining way too much fluid and we’ve been trying to find ways to lower his sodium while not being able to cook,..mainly impossible! This has helped a bunch! It’s nice to know there are people who understand. Your knowledge and research is so very appreciated. Thank you !
It’s great to hear from someone so close to home! I just posted another comment about low sodium drive thru and thought about the Steak and Shake near BA. I lived there when I was diagnosed in 2010. Ok. Enough girl friend chatty. I’m impressed with your concern for your husband. He’s a luck guy.
So you are on the road a lot. Travel can make feet swell more, so I hope he takes breaks and elevates them when he can. I totally hear you about eating out of a hotel. Getting the good protein is the hard part. I hope he is able to emjoy shakes and protein bars. Men are sometimes hesitant to change up their diet. I’m not judging here. It’s just what I’ve seen. They are thinking meat and potatoes. My husband eats healthy and he gets bored with my routine and just wants meat sometimes.
Be sure and check out the new fast food drive thru. I put the sodium in parenthesis for you! You should email me when you’re in town and we could meet for coffee. Or steak and shake! I’ve met a few friends here in Tulsa who have contacted me. All my best to you sweetie and thanks for commenting.
xo Karen:)
Hi Karen,..it was so great to hear from you! Doug & I are actually back in Broken Arrow right now. Doug is on his last 12 days of treatment. Olisio & sovaldi,..(forgive the spelling. )
Right now his viral load is 0!!! But he has to stay on the treatment until the end and but it’s reeking Havock on him this last month. Nausea, insomnia…ugh! (As you can tell by the time if this email)
We still fight the fluid retention battle every day and he is extremely tired. I just read your info on the supplements and am getting ready to talk with his dr. In the am about the greens & Sublingual 12.
You are a life saver!!! If you only knew how many times I have reverted to your page when I’m at a lists,..and go back & read again just because! I wish there was a way to repay you for all of your hard work, research & energy spent on this amazing buffet of information…but all I have is ‘THANK YOU!’
Doug & I would love to meet for coffee,.or a shake and thank you in person sometime…just name the time & place!
I look forward to hearing back from you!
Hi Lisa,
You’re in Oklahoma and I’m in Arizona for a few weeks. 🙁 After the TACE procedure it was time to just get out of town and go get some rest and sleep, you know?
Doug is going to feel like that when he finishes treatment I am sure. So that means he will be finishing about the time I get back in town. Email me your personal info and we can hook up. I have a varices banding the 24th or 25th.
Those last couple of weeks of treatment are hard. Doug may be tempted to grab anything that sounds good to eat when he is nauseated. Sticking with the low sodium will surely help the ascites. But the BEST thing will be getting off the treatment. He will slowly return to normal liver labs hopefully and that ascites will go away. I was off of all diuretics within a month or so of finishing.
I’ll be watching for your email. Lots of love,
Thanks for all the information. I pray that you are feeling ok. I was diagnosed with autoimmune and stage 4 cirrhosis in june also possible primary serosing cholastasis of the,bile ducts. I had a,bleed after biopsy and its been a fast roller coaster ride since. Im on pred. Anti organ rejection med. to try supresssing my immune system and vit. A and vit. B bile duct med. Had my first banding on friday only one. It hadnt actually started bleeding yet. I was scared didnt really know what to expect. They will look again in 3 months. I just keep praying all of this will slow down. I have a husband and two children that need me. Im struggling with the food. I asked to get a nutritionist. I cant find your recipes. I dont know if im just not clicking on the right thing. I know youve got a lot yo deal with but if your able please keep me posted. Youve been such an inspiration.
Hay girl,
You have been through a lot!!!! I’m so sorry you weren’t able to click the recipes. Are you using your phone? I had a friend check and she was able to click the menu on and android. I couldn’t get it to work on my iphone. I’m SOOO not techy, but will look at this. I just run this by myself and it takes me a while to figure it out.
You should be able to click on recipes and see a drop down menu. From there you can look at main dishes, meat, vegetables, side dishes and all that.
About the meds. You are on anti-rejection meds? So you’ve had a transplant and now have cirrhosis in your new liver? Bless your heart. I hope you read my post on bandings. I’m having one next Wednesday. They are no fun, but at least I know how to eat afterwards to keep things calmed down.
You’re smart to ask for a nutritionist. Your insurance may cover that. I hope so. I’m happy to see you are looking at low sodium. That helps a lot. Go to the Best Friends Start Here blog. On your computer screen it’s on the right. It should give you a list of blogs about foods to avoid and foods that are good. There is also a shopping list that can help too.
I hope you stay in touch and let me know who it goes. I have heard that pred is hard to live with. You sound like you’re doing pretty well and taking some vitamins always helps. Hay, if you can’t access recipes, let me know and I will personally email you some tips. kk?
Much love and hugs,
xo Karen:)
Thanks for replying. I am able to get the recipes now. No, I haven’t had a transplant and I sure hope it is a long time. I believe the doctor has me on the antirejection medicine to try to suppress my immune system. If he can do this it may slow down my own immune system from attacking my liver. He tried a medication before this one and I got so sick that my white blood cells got down to .9 in which I had to be in isolation with high dosage of antibiotic. I made it through that fine. I was on 40 mg of preds. but now just 10 and I already feel better with that. I believe he will eventually get it lower. I go back week after next. I haven’t had a bleed and I pray I never experience it. I have two children 14 and 11 and a husband. I feel like I need to wear a necklace around my neck from what I read about that would say if I should pass out this is what I’ve got so that someone would know what was wrong with me. I was in the school system for many years and just recently made a career change 2 years ago. I never dreamed I would be going through all of this. I’m on the run with kids a lot and I don’t mind packing a cooler. What is something quick and easy to throw together? Please keep me informed of how you are doing. You have really helped me. I was so glad to see the fast food options. I get discouraged some. I have faith but I hate to look in the mirror right now. My eyes are still pale yellow and now they are staying red and one is even blood shot. I don’t know what’s causing all of this. My stomach doesn’t even feel like my stomach anymore. I guess it’s from all this medication. I keep sun shades on as much as possible. My prayers are with you.
Wow, you are so strong. You’re about my daughter’s age because my grandkids are 13 and 11. I stand in awe of your spirit and determination to fight this. Here I am all worried about being on steriods after the transplant and you’re plugging right along. Amazing.
About the necklace, I would do it. I have a type written paper that I carry in my wallet with my diagnosis and doctors names and numbers. I kept it in my camera case while in Sedona the last few weeks. I went on some hikes and I wanted my hiking buddies to know what to do! Plus I laid it in my lap during airfare. I’ve read about some cool bracelets you can get. I need to check into that and let you know.
I kept nutty trail mix stuff and granola bars in my purse. Still do! I also kept Boost type shakes in my car. If I needed one, I would just get a cup of ice and pour it in! The main thing is to eat every couple of hours in smaller quantities. I am eating constantly, but never eat til I’m totally full, you know? Gives my liver a bit of a break. If I eat a huge meal, I get pain, swelling, and grogginess. My little diet keeps me going though! My cousin calls it the hummingbird diet! lol.
I’ll keep you in my prayers also. You’re a sweetheart. Watch for a blog about fermented cabbage called kefir. It has a bazillion probiotics and can really help to reduce your stomach problems naturally. I just took a class and am making it!
Book mark me and let me know how it goes, kk?
xoxo Karen:)
hi my name is elizabeth and i have highblood pressure are those things good for highblood pressure as well
Yes! These foods are all pretty high in nutrients and low in fat as well as sodium. For high blood pressure, you can also add extra oatmeal to your diet. But but avoiding the salty lunchmeats, you get DOUBLE benefits for your high blood pressure! I’ve seen blood pressure be lowered naturally through diet by over 100 points just by adding oats.
All my best to you!
xo Karen
Thank you for replying. No im not strong but im praying for strength. My focus is on raising my kids they need their mama and I need them. The doctor lowered my pred to 5mg.today and increased prilosec to see if it will help my stomach pain. I :(avent had much of sn appetite but im making myself eat. I pray that you will be fine. Its good to have someone to talk to that knows how you feel. I know im stressing my family out. Im trying to put others before me like I should. Im in no hurry to be placed on a list but I figured he would have already done this my meld score is 15 but he told me to let him worry about it. I finally went to eye doctor and I had severe allergy eyes. I guess when youve never been sick other than a cold everything you feel you think its from liver failure. He did tell me I have autoimmune and primary serosing colastasis disease of bile duct theirs nothing he can do for that. So it looks like transplant is in future just dont know when or if . You have been so encouraging to me knowing you turned things around for as long as you did. It gives me hope. I asked my doctor about milk thistle and herbs and he said no. Ill keep praying for you. If you think of anything helpful please let me know. Im still so nervous but im praying God will take away my fears.
It is good to hear from you. I hope you read my blogs about anxiety or compulsive thinking. I try to put tools out there on the site that helps us deal with all of it. It is NOT just a physical battle. It is spiritually, mentally and emotionally challenging to live with all of this. I’m working on a blog about a method of reducing anxiety. I pray and read, and speak positive thoughts. Sometimes it is just hard to quiet down those thoughts.
I’m with you – I’m in no hurry to undergo such a serious operation. But I know it is my only choice. I’m kind of glad that we have time while we wait for our MELD to go up. It helps us to deal with the shock of the surgery. You’re in good hands with your doctor. You’re doing everything you can to keep pain down and health strong.
All you need to think about now is loving those kids. That was the first strong statement in your comment… yes you ARE strong. It’s a great time of year with pumpkins and candy, warm apple cider and leaves. You better not play in the leaves though with those allergies! lol. I’m praying with you. We’re in it together. xo Karen:)
Thank you. You are very sweet. You are in my prayers and I do pray rhat you will be fine. Please keep in touch. I cant imagine what you are feeling but I know you are a positive, strong person and that you trust in God. You will be just fine. Apple cider sounds good but I didnt think we could have much fat or sugar so I didnt try it. You are so right good time to spend with the kids carving pumpkins and hay rides. Maybe ill wear a scary mask for my allergies. Lol!! Great time for some good memories. Atleast through all of this it sure makes you appreciate God”s many blessings.
Thank you for providing this inspirational site. I’m trying to help my Mom with a low sodium diet for her congestive heart failure. I see this blog helps more issues for more people, which is wonderful. I hope everyone on here is doing well, and I pray for all going through these trials.
Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a note. I average about 1 comment for every 4,000 readers. It means a lot to me to hear that you are encouraged. Healthy eating and lifestyle changes work. Bless you for helping your mom out. I hope you two will enjoy many more years together.
xoxo Karen:
Dear Karen,
Thank you for helping me and countless others, with this most informative and practical blog!
I am trying to be vigilant in cooking a healthy heart diet with flavor for my family.
God Bless you,
Aw God bless you. Do you know that another way of saying blessed is to say “happy and fortunate”? We are fortunate to live in a time where we can eat nutritious foods that taste good. I know that having more energy makes me a happier person. I love to hear about your efforts to cook healthy. It’s just plain smart to eat well. Kudos! And thanks for taking the time.. I love comments!
xo Karen:)
Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge. I have numerous health issues, but high blood pressure is my most pressing issue. Getting myself on a low sodium diet appears to be essential. Outside of telling me I needed to be on a low sodium diet he offered few suggestions as to how this is to be accomplished. I so appreciate the information that you have provided. Thanks so much.
Thank you for stopping by. I hope that you find the recipes easy to use. It’s amazing how much sodium we get every day. Your blood pressure will indeed be improved with lower sodium. Small changes over time can even reduce the need for medication!
All my best in your new year of eating well,
xo Karen
Hi Karen. Thanks so much for your steps n shopping list for a low sodium diet.I was diagnosed with CHF n was placed on a low sodium diet.Your tips were very helpful.
Thank you so much! You just made our day here. Bless you! Dee
I am going into the hospital for Endoscopy with a check for varices. I don’t know anyone that has a disease like mine. I have autoimmune PBC . Last week I had a fibroscan. The Dr called today to make an app for an endoscopy to check for varices. My score was 33. I saved one blog to clpboard that informed me well. The other blog was on hepc. Do u have one on PBC that includes autoimmune?
I am 78 and I don’t know what a url is.
I’m sorry, but PBC is not something I have written about. I have a lot of readers who ask. Some research will help me to understand it more. Many people who have liver disease for different reasons find their way here. Some of the other posts have answers about your questions.
It does not matter how you got it, liver disease progresses pretty much the same. I hope that you are able to get banding if you had any varices. Eating a good diet is the smartest thing you can do. Your doctors sound like they are running all the right tests and staying on top of things. All my best to you!
xo Karen
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