Hearty Hep C Low Sodium Beef Stew


healthy beef stew
It’s been simmering for about 5 hours now. mmm

We’re getting a light snow here in Oklahoma. It seemed a perfect time for a low sodium, high protein, liver loving stew! I wanted to share it with those of you who are on a diet for hepatitis c or liver problems.

This recipe can be done 2 different ways. One is for using a tomato based sauce, but I also cook one using mushrooms. If you choose to cook this one, just don’t add the tomato sauce and put sliced mushrooms instead. I add a little flour mixture at the end and serve it with bread. It should tide my crew over during the football game. The veggies are all organic! Bon appetite!

Hearty hep c low sodium beef stew

Stew meat or any beef

1 can of no sodium diced tomatoes

2 small cans of no sodium tomato sauce

2 carrots

4 potatoes

Garlic powder, thyme, and parsley

low sodium stew
This one uses tomato sauce and is great with a few peppers on the side!

I cut some leftover flank steak into thin pieces and browned them with 2 slices of onion in a little olive oil. Then I put it in a big pot with herbs and tomatoes and tomato sauce. After that simmered a couple of hours I threw in chopped potatoes and carrot slices. If you are crock pot cooking, you can add the vegetables at the beginning.

Soon my house smelled soo good and in a few hours… voila! Great hearty beef stew served with low sodium crackers. I have to add for my hep c friends – I ate so healthy today that I had a slice of turtle cheesecake for desert. Who said low sodium was boring? Leftovers tonight… Your bff, Karen:)

Hearty hep c low sodium beef stew


2 thoughts on “Hearty Hep C Low Sodium Beef Stew”

  1. My wonderful husband of 39 years has been diagnosed with liver Disease- non alcoholic Cirrhosis of the Liver. He had Esphogeal Varicies and any disease was a complete surprise to us. They tied off 5 veins and went back later and tied off another one. The doctor is very encouraging and said his liver is really in good shape and this is the early stage of Liver Disease. We went to Duke University Hospital for a second opinion and to make sure he gets the BEST treatment. We love our doctor here ( Roanoke, VA) and he is friends with this new Doctor at Duke. Anyway, I stumbled on your site and i love it. Thanks so much for all your informative information. My husband is struggling with the tasting of food. I WAS a good old southern cook with all the sauces, cheese, cream of chicken and cream of mushroom soup, and SALT! Now our doctors want us on 1500 mg of sodium a day. I have made charts and bought every cookbook I can find on low sodium foods. It is such a change for us. There are several things i make he likes ( fish rolled in plain panko bread crumbs with Lemon pepper Mrs. Dash) and shrimp with my homemade cocktail sauce ( no salt ketchup and horseradish). I read every label and I monitor every bite and he is very cooperative. BUT, nothing tastes good to him. I have bought every flavor of Mrs. Dash and lots of herbs and spices, all sodium free but he just does not like the taste of most things. He has lost about 30 pounds and they don’t want him to lose anymore. I try to flavor things with all i can but i eat it too and it does not taste good- i need some help. Thanks so much! Best of luck to you and thanks again for all your information!

    1. Oh sweetie, I am so sorry to hear, what a shock that must have been! Usually the bleeding is an indication of severe scarring of the liver. I am happy this is not true for your hubby. Karen found out she had HCV, cirrhosis all in one day when she retained so much fluid nothing fit her. After she finished treatment she had five of those bandings done. Unfortunately she just started vomiting blood which can look like coffee grounds. If you see that dial 911 that is a life or death situation. Again, so happy his liver looks good. My mom had to cut back on salt she went to Duke and lived there. She was trying to dissolve a blockage in her heart. It worked! She did alot of research and found a good book by Dean Ornish called the rice diet. It’s not all rice, just name of book. I highly recommend! She likes to snack and she would eat puffed rice. It is life changing. Please keep in touch I am away but trying to keep up on my cell, I will be back Friday morning. If you respond I will try to find things that will help his taste 🙂

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