Karen’s Fake em out easy low sodium mayonnaise
Hey there Boo Boo! Many of our favorite recipes call for high sodium mayonnaise. Your best friend Yogi is smarter than the average bear and has a solution for that! If you are not a Baby Boomer, you can skip the storyline and go straight for the recipe. The rest of us spent many Saturday mornings with Yogi Bear at Jellystone National Park.
There are some pricey brands of low sodium mayonnaise. You can also make homemade mayo from scratch. I worry about the raw egg. With my liver, I don’t take chances.
I keep the regular grocery store brand in the fridge for the family.
I make mine up and keep it in a glass jar in the fridge. It’s for my use, but also for making a big dish that calls for salad dressing. It has about 20 mg of sodium per Tbl. I can use it to my heart’s content!
Here’s the trick to “Fake em out easy low sodium Mayonnaise ”:
½ C mayonnaise or Miracle Whip
¼ C vinegar
1 C olive oil
2 tsp lemon juice
2 tsp dry mustard powder (or Westbrae mustard)
Take regular mayo or Miracle Whip and add vinegar, olive oil and stir it up!
Add lemon juice, dry mustard, and garlic powder to suit your taste.

Eating a nutritional, low sodium liver loving diet is my key to a long life. Yours too! So be careful what you grab out of that pic-a-nic basket BooBoo. Your best friend will be bringing some easy low sodium mayonnaise to help you avoid ascites.
With liver disease, whether it’s a result of Hepatitis C or not, you use a lot of low sodium recipes. Once your ascites has to be drained, you try and avoid having it done as much as possible. I know. Taking diuretics and then indulging in high salt food is counter- productive – and just plain silly. xo Karen
Learn how I went from ascites drain to low sodium and ate delicious meals here
Does having low sodium mayonnaise help you come up with better ideas for fixing quick meals in the summer?
41 thoughts on “Easy Low Sodium Mayonnaise”
this is the first time I came across this site it was by accident. I have granulomas hepatitis which is rare I don’t know where or how I got it. I have to be on a low sodium diet as well I have had my abdomen drained a number of times and had a bad case of ascites once and almost died. I don’t know of anyone having this disease and could use some more information.
Maaria, Thank you for writing. I read quite about about granulomas hepatitis. My what a rare genetic disease. I hope you will be able to use some of my low sodium tips. The draining can be scary. Diuretics can ususally help with that. But I am so glad you are looking for ways to eat low sodium. Did you check out the low sodium shopping list?
I also checked out http://www.ibdsupport.org. It looks like a good website for support and information. Let me know if I can ever be of help. xoxo Karen:)
hi karen i realiy thankfull 2 u givn us many helpful tips abut heppatitic c my 7 years old daughter also hv heppatitis c and im so worried abut her .her liver is healthy but her alt is 550 wht kind of food i can give her. she luvs 2 eat dates,honey and cheez and olive oil can these things r gud 4 her heath? and i also want 2 knw that wht things help her to low her alt level plz help me she is my heart im nothing without her .
It is a precious mother’s heart who is looking for good for for your daughter. Bless you. Her ALT is high. Do the doctors advise treatment for this? Taking care of the liver includes many things such as natural food that you cook. Not so much sugar except from fruit. I have written on this under the diet for liver blog. Go to the START HERE button with the black and white flag. Look for many articles on diet and food.
A healthy diet is good for the liver in general. She needs good protein from quinoa, nuts, and nut butter. Some meat is good also, but not red meat. Olive oil is healthy and is the best oil to use. Fat is NOT good for ALT and AST because the liver does not like it.
I too love cheese. It makes a lot of sodium and has to be taken in small doses. I eat some every day with no problem. Can you find Swiss cheese? It is the healthiest for sodium. Maybe not so tasty as cheddar. 🙂
Are you using natural soap on her skin? Less perfumes are good.
Bless you in your efforts. Love is healing and she has your love to help her through this.
xoxo You both have my love also… Karen:)
thx karen 4 replying me .im frm pakistan .im very upset abut my daughter dr says tht she can eat every thing .can she?and dr onliy give her liprotek-a seyrep and no give any other medicens bcz she says tht her liver is healthy onliy alt high but i cant understand can she acure again ? is she heppatitis acured?
Gog bless u karen.
I want to say again how I love your mother’s heart toward your daughter. I am not sure of the medication here in the US and can’t understand what it is. She is young and the liver can be healthy for many years. One girl waited until she was 22 to start the treatment. She was born with hepatitis. She is clear now and has finished at the university! So yes, your daughter WILL need treatment. Maybe your doctor waits until she is older and also because the treatment is coming out better every year with new drugs.
God bless you dear one,
karen i also want to say you spacial thx bcz my english is very poor and u understand what i want 2 say so thx again
You are perfect dear one. Always happy to hear from you. I hope the translator works well for you on the site. xoxo Karen
karen can my daughter eat an egg daily?and spnich also/
Yes, Eggs are a good source of protein for us with liver disease. I eat them quite a bit. Spinach and any vegetable that has iron is also good. Iron is hard for the liver, but spinach gives a natural source for this! I wish you could come to my house for New Years Day. We are having black eyed peas and kale for dinner. It is a tradition here for luck. But it is also good protein!
Happy 2014 to you!
karen can my daughter eat an egg daily?and spnich also?
You posted this twice and I sent one through. I kept this and I’m glad because I have been wondering how your daughter is doing? The new drugs are getting better and better. This will be wonderful news to you my friend.
Keep me posted,
xo Karen:)
karen thx 4 replying .happy new year b happy alwayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyys
I always look for those little comments that get missed. Now I am finding this and so happy! How is everything going? I know you are busy, but I want you to know that I think of you a lot and send you prayers and love, Karen
I don’t know where to write this yet so I’m clumsily placing it here. Blessing Karen and thank you from the bottom of my heart. I’m scared and lost and feel better in the last 24 hours as I pour over your site. Ive ordered the book and feel safer with you and your community. Thank you thank you for this. Angels walk and we can follow. 🙏🏽
Hello dear friend, and while I’m way late on writing this, my heart is with you. I am SO glad that you found information that is useful to you.
Mostly, Your heart and mind are calmer after connecting with this community. So many of us over the last 10 + years have being going strong after even end stage liver diagnosis. I’m happy that you found what you need.
Please keep in touch and let me know how you’re doing this year!
xo Karen
I need a lot of help with food idont know my website
Hello, I think you are asking for help in finding more information. Here is more information about food helpful for the liver. If not please get back to me and let me know. I would be happy to help, Dee
Do you use the whole cup of olive oil for this low salt mayo recipe ?
I do. You might start with 3/4 cup and mix. You can add the rest slowly to get your desired thickness. I use olive oil in a lot of recipes since it’s a smart fat and not a saturated “sat fat”.
Thank you. I look forward to making this low salt mayo.
Hi ..like a little more info on turning kraft calorie wise or hellmans into low sodium….what is th recipe and how do you figure out what calorie ,fat and sodium is after….and do you know off any store bought low sodium mayo….thanks for you time..
Hey there Brian. I see that Karen has a recipe for her low fat mayo on the page you posted on. I’m sorry I don’t see any other recipes. You could always buy the low salt at the store. I think she was just trying to give an example of how you could have a lower salt mayo. If you come up with anything please let us know. Thank you for writing in. Dee
If you make low salt mayo can it be placed in a jar for future use.
Thank you so much for posting, Dee
I am away until Friday but wanted to acknowledge your helpful post, Dee
Gawd, I love people like you Karen! I stumbled upon this site looking for a yummy low sodium recipe for my Menier’s and you have touched my heart with your kindness and sweet spirit. We need more people like you in this world precious lady 🙂
Hello! Welcome, here is a link to Karen’s liver loving recipes in case you might be interested. Bless you! Dee
Hi Karen,
My wife and I require a low sodium diet due to heart issues.
This recipe looks very promising and I am very excited to try it out.
I noticed other homemade mayo recipes use apple cider vinegar. What type of vinegar do you use?
Hay Dave, I think any kind of vinegar works. I keep apple cider vinegar and get the one with the “mother” in it called Braggs. It may take a little less because it’s got a lot of kick it in.
I’m happy to hear you’re helping each other. The condiments are the hardest to live without! Let me know how it worked for you.
xo Karen
Thank you for giving me such Information about Mayonnaise because it really used in daily life in eating fast food .These taste of this Mayonnaise is like little bit seat and salty.
Thank you so much! A little salt is good. This one is a healthy balance!
Why does yours still look creamy and mine has the consistency of half and half?
I play with the olive oil to change up the consistency. If it is too runny, it may be that you need to add a little more mayonnaise? Just be sure and count in the sodium. Also, try adding nonfat plain greek yogurt for thicker texture. Sorry I’m writing back so late. xo
I am pleased I came across this site as I was diagnosed with liver issues over the Summer of 2017. I went thru most of the stages in your book and it nice to know that I am not alone.
My one issue is the calories, protein and sodium are not listed with your recipes. I cannot track what I am taking in, nor can I double them for more people. I honestly love the book but I cannot believe this simple detail was left out. Am I missing something?
I’m glad you found the site too. So sorry that it’s been hard for your to work with the recipes easily. I think that over time, I got used to it and need to address this as an update to my book. I’m working on an edit now.
I wrote several recipes for my local hematologist and transplant surgeon to give out to patients. They wanted ALL the nutritional information. Wow. It was hours of work. I had to look at the weight and size of each measurement. It’s very complex and can be done… however, diet is only a part of what I write about and I chose to go general with my recipes.
Another valid point is that when you put together a healthy lifestyle in general, such as keeping a well balanced pantry and fridge – it works. Hopefully you can see that it is possible to live a long life. The key is to eat well, and stay active. Of course the doctors guidance is going to be part of your future too.
Salt is part of process or packaged foods. By eliminating those from my home – I am able to grab about 80% of anything in my fridge or cabinet with no worries. I really hope this helps and wish you all the best. I just saw this comment stuck in an old pending file and apologize for the delay.
Keep in touch. I enjoy honest feedback. It helps me dig deeper and look for ways to better help others in our situation.
xo Karen
Hi Karen, I hope you’re still out there there hasn’t been a post since last July. I just found all these comments and your responses and find them very helpful. I have end-stage liver disease and I am working as hard as I can to keep my liver going for a while longer. You’re right about heavy proteins they are murder on my liver stay away from redmeat. I do well with fish, my liver seems comfortable with that and my doctors have prescribed a Serup called lactulose Which clears ammonia from the brain. I grew up a meat and potatoes kid and now I’m like a bunny rabbit I eat fruits and greens and fish. No sugar, no processed flour. I have found tons of great recipes and love your mayo. My disease is autoimmune hepatitis which is fairly rare. My advice to anyone with liver disease is to start taking care of your liver now because I waited till I was older and it caught up with me sadly, but one step at a time, God willing !
The lactulose is good and I did make a video about that and xifaxin. You have done so very well and I’m so proud of all the progress you are making. Yes, it’s harder when we find ourselves with a super sick liver, BUT some folks like us are stubborn enough to try just about anything. Life itself is a reward, even in the hard days.
Thanks for stopping by love.
I’m glad you found a place to post and hope that the recipes have helped you. Eating well is the hardest when you are trying to save your life AND keep your appetite. I try to post as much as possible. I was making YouTube for a while because they seemed easier. I’m not a social media guru. I’m just a survivor like you! haha.
xo Karen
Thank you! I think it’s brilliant to dilute the sodium in the readily available, store bought mayo. I will definitely try it.
Thanks so much Evelyn. I hope others see this because I have a new oil to use that is adding some flavor that makes potato (and other salads) SO good.
***** AVOCADO OIL *****
This has excellent texture too.
Also there is an avocado Mayo with about 100 mg sodium per Tablespoon.
Thanks again for your comment. I’m making potato salad for July 4th and am whipping up mayo today!
xo Karen
Karen, I have a question. My husband is on a very low sodium diet, because of his heart. I tried your recipe for low sodium mayo. I did not make a full batch, so I half everything. Wasn’t sure he would go for it. My Question is that can you use this on bread like you do regular mayo. It is very runny. I can see using it on a salad, but not on a sandwich. Will it thicken up in the frig?
I use it like regular mayo and it DOES thicken up some in the fridge. I have taken to buying a lower sodium mayo and mixing it in for thickness too.
Some of these work arounds can feel disappointing because we want our “old familiar” diet back. The truth is that these small changes begin to be our new norm. Even by mixing with regular mayo, you’re still cutting sodium in half.
You’re awesome for supporting him.
xo Karen