Low Sodium Beef Brisket

If you eat a low sodium diet with Hepatitis C or cirrhosis, you may not have thought this was possible. Haha! Where there is a will, there is a way. I found a way to make a low sodium beef brisket that is high protein and delicious. My barbecue sauce is home-made and fast to throw together. The Low Sodium Barbecue Sauce Recipe is here.
10 minutes
8 hours
These times are on high setting with a slow cooker. Adjust it to fit your schedule. For low setting, I let it go 10 hours or overnight.
- Lean beef brisket
- 2 Cups Low Sodium Barbecue Sauce
- 1 Cup Water
- Put brisket in slow cooker with the fat side up. (I cut off a lot of the fat and just leave enough to carry some flavor)
- I let it cook on low for about 8 hours with the lid on. When it is falling apart, it is done.
- You can let it cool and take off the extra fat that has turned orange on the top of the liquid. (That goes in the trash)
- Then I remove all the extra fat from the meat. If you want to serve it hot NOW, go for it.
- If you want to serve it hot NOW, go for it.
- Some portions can be left in chunks. My bunch likes chopped beef sandwiches, so I use the kitchen scissors or put it on a cutting board and chop the heck out of it.
- You can serve with hamburger buns or just eat it with a fork. We love it! It is one way that I can eat good food for Memorial Day or the Fourth of July without sodium or fat guilt.
If you use the low sodium barbecue sauce, this is such a freebie for those of us with liver disease or cirrhosis. Less than 75 mg per serving!
If you serve Low Sodium Beef Brisket with low sodium baked beans and cole slaw, it is a well balanced meal for any Liver Loving Diet!
Whoever said that skinny cooks can’t be trusted never ate at my house. Karen:)
PS. I borrowed a pic from another Okie. I’ll take one of mine next time I cook it. Maybe July 4th? Woohoo!
pic via okbbqua.com
2 thoughts on “Low Sodium Beef Brisket”
When I click on the link for the sauce recipe, there’s only a picture.
I just checked in google chrome and it opened for me. Are you in another browser? Here it is. Sounds like you have a good weekend planned. We had this 2 weeks ago and our kids love it! Let me know if I can help more. I’ll double check my settings. xo
10 minutes
8 hours
These times are on high setting with a slow cooker. Adjust it to fit your schedule. For low setting, I let it go 10 hours or overnight.
Lean beef brisket
2 Cups Low Sodium Barbecue Sauce
1 Cup Water
Put brisket in slow cooker with the fat side up. (I cut off a lot of the fat and just leave enough to carry some flavor)
I let it cook on low for about 8 hours with the lid on. When it is falling apart, it is done.
You can let it cool and take off the extra fat that has turned orange on the top of the liquid. (That goes in the trash)
Then I remove all the extra fat from the meat. If you want to serve it hot NOW, go for it.
If you want to serve it hot NOW, go for it.
Some portions can be left in chunks. My bunch likes chopped beef sandwiches, so I use the kitchen scissors or put it on a cutting board and chop the heck out of it.
You can serve with hamburger buns or just eat it with a fork. We love it! It is one way that I can eat good food for Memorial Day or the Fourth of July without sodium or fat guilt.
If you use the low sodium barbecue sauce, this is such a freebie for those of us with liver disease or cirrhosis. Less than 75 mg per serving!