Hepatitis C Treatment Hope
Who doesn’t love spring? It is Mother Nature at her finest as she parades herself around in dainty dresses of every color. The grass, trees, and flowers all begin budding and bursting forth with new life. The dormancy of fall and winter take a bow and leave the stage as the seeds they had kept tucked away begin to take on a new role. The life cycle of a seed reminds us all of the Hepatitis C Treatment Hope.
I love the story of a seed. A living plant wisely casts off her children in the form of a seed. They float to the ground and burrow in during the harsh weather, waiting their turn. There in the dark soil, where no one can see, lies a crusty dried remnant of last spring’s finery.
I have spent a great deal of my life planting seeds and watching them grow into flowers, trees, and vegetables. Seeds are hard, dry, and…. well, they are dead. If they are fortunate enough, they make their way to a fertile spot with food, water, and plenty of sunshine. It is then that they will be reborn in the spring looking much like the plants they fell from. There is a miracle in each seed.
This is my first spring in years to be truly alive. Diagnosed in August 2010, I spent that fall and winter in a state of liver decompensation. Considered untreatable with Stage 4 Cirrhosis, I closed down, feeling like a seed that got blown onto a rock. There I waited, scrounging for any food and vitamins that would not kill me. Waiting in the dark time, I was a crusty dried cast off of my former self.
When that spring came, new hope arrived as the FDA finalized the approval of protease inhibitors. Incivik and Victrelis were made available in June. Maybe I would bloom now? But as I started treatment, summer came and went with nothing but more deadness. Anemia, low platelets, nausea, and the insistent rash seemed to drive any potential life deeper underground.
The winter of treatment was long, cold, and harsh. I looked in the mirror and wondered if there was any life left. Then April came. I hit week 40 like a small bud – hope emerging. Then an esophageal bleed came in like an ice storm covering a sprout. Treatment discontinued.
All summer long there were varices bandings. My doctors pruned off the deadness every 4 weeks. Deep inside, the miracle of the seed was still working. My blood labs showed no sign of the Hepatitis C Virus. I was cured. Outwardly, I was burnt from the frost, but inside I knew there was still life.

What a miracle the medical community gave. The treatment and medication were like root killer and fertilizer applied together to save my life. Still no virus detected. UND, meaning the Hepatitis C virus is undetected! I am reaching my arms toward the sky! I will be the happiest bloom in the garden. I may bloom all summer. I might just bloom all year. All of you seeds that are dormant, listen to my song. You can bloom again!
Where are you this spring? If you are trying to sprout and find yourself covered with dirt, a rock, or the icy of winter – hold on! Spring is coming for you too. Maybe not today. Maybe not this year. But within you lies all that is needed to produce a full grown magnificent plant. I can see you now in my mind’s eye. We are blooming together. A big garden of life.
If you are treating with a protease inhibitor, you may still feel the hibernation of winter. I used the brand new one, Telaprevir. It seems obsolete compared to the Sovaldi and Olysio that are being offered now. Some even have a chance to use a drug with no Ribavirin or Interferon.
The dosage is reduced and so are the side effects. I am so happy for those of you who have a chance to treat Hepatitis C. Your body will begin to heal. Mine has. It truly is a miracle. My heart is with you during this time. New life is about to blossom inside of you. You will feel the strength and warmth of it soon.
I am with you wherever you are as your BFF in the battle, Karen:)
Please feel free to browse topics by clicking here. My story is one of hope. If I can do this, I want to encourage everyone who reads these words that they can too!
Hoping you can find the cure for Hepatitis C link.
12 thoughts on “Hepatitis C Treatment Hope”
Thank you!
Jody, You’re welcome my dear friend. It is always good to see you here on the website. Bless you, Hugs and love, Karen:)
I do not believe that there is a return from this place ; at least not to where I was. For the better or for the better I am profoundly changed. All that I can see looks good up ahead but I cant see far. One thing I know is that everything is going to be ok. So count me in for the trip im with you!
I had several pages of spam comments and couldn’t get through them while my computer was down. It’s like going through an old box of pictures. This one was from you. Blessings on your day dear one. You’ve done it!! Pass the hanky, Karen:)
Dear Karen, I was fighting treatment the same year. I began treatment with interferon & ribiviran in March 2010. Sadly, I am a responder/relapser. This article gives me hope that the newer treatments can cure us. See specialist in March 2014, I hope we can find an interferon free regime for me. The interferon about killed me! Permanent side effects.
Thanks for this article of hope.
I know you have a lot of pain from the interferon. It is a dangerous drug, but it worked for me. I’m sorry that you have to face this again. BUT a lot of people are taking the Sovaldi and Riba now with good results! I wonder how many weeks they will want you to be on it?
It’s funny to think that we were going through the same thing at the same time. I was dying. Literally. And you were too! But here we are now, still pressing on. There is a purpose for your life Margaret. I believe that a wonderful future is in store for you once you recover from treatment. You will not BELIEVE how good you are going to feel.
Maybe some of those “permanant” side effects will be eased once your are Hep C free also!
Much love to you,
xo Karen:)
Thank you Karen. Your story is intense but softened by the positive tone you take. As a double nonresponder, I understand the pain, loneliness, fear (the worst of all feelings) and the ever present budding hope that hovers around us as we struggle through.
Currently, I am halfway through treatment using the wonder meds, Solvadi & Olysio. Aside from some minor side effects, my strength has not weaked much, I’m feeling good with spirits lifted most days, and am filled with hope. Your writings educate, motivate and inspire me. Thank you Karen.
Hello Mary,
It’s really great to see your comment today. I’ve had my eye on you knowing that you are going through the new treatment. Your kind words really moved me To know that I’m able to give you a lift means everything to me. Of course I know where you’re living right now, and my heart is surely with you.
I’m smiling, but let me say all these reduced side effects make me a little envious. I’m so happy for you and for others who were able to wait and treat with the new medications. Girl, you are halfway there. This is all gonna be over before you know it!
I love keeping in touch with you on twitter. Thank you so much for giving me a favorite and a retweet on my posts. It really means a lot to me, but most important it helps others find the information that they need to get through. Ultimately were all united in this.
Lots and lots of love, and keep in touch. Okay?
xoxo Karen:)
Hi karen,
I guess Ive got that HE so Im just going to say Hi! I sent you my email in case you ever want to drop me a line. Jody
Hi Jody!
I’m going to get caught up on email tonight… Hopefully. I’ve been keeping tabs on you dear friend and sure enjoy your messages. I have to smile when I think of you and your dogs. You have such a great heart dear one.
xoxo Karen:)
Hi Karen
I have hepatitis and have been trying to rid this virus ever since. Can you tell me about your triple therapy and how you finally got rid of the virus ?
Thanks in advance.
If you go to the “Start Here” on the right side of the home page it listed a ton of blogs. You can look at ones that are just about treatment. Topics like the decision to treat can give you a good start. I took the protease inhibitors when they were brand new in 2011. I’ve been free of the virus since week 2 of treatment!
The new medications are much easier as far as side effects go. You also can take them for less time. Are you talking to your doctor about this? I hope you’ll stay in touch. xo Karen:)
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