Hepatitis C Treatment at Work

Hepatitis C Treatment at Work

Hepatitis treatment at work sick cartoon I put a sign around my neck: Hepatitis C Treatment at Work, because I was counting on it working! However, I didn’t want people on my job to know that much about my personal life. It is possible for you to remain working on Hepatitis C Treatment, but there are things to consider when making the decision. It’s not just about the money and insurance. Your overall health, the condition of your liver, and your support system must be given priority.



I want to just say one more thing here. It is amazing what your body can do when you WILL it to. I was a zombie at times. The day I went for my treatment classes there was construction outside the transplant hospital that treated me. I asked one of the workers for a piece of yellow tape emblazoned with the word: CAUTION. I draped it around myself like Miss America that day. I taped it to my fridge later. I warned friends and family that if it was on the front door to go away, because that meant Riba Rage had set in because of the Hepatitis C Treatment at Work!

I am going to go over a few questions that may scare you, but I do NOT want you to be scared. Does that make sense? Because if I can do it, you can too. Read the whole thing. Maybe not in one dose if it wears you out mentally and emotionally. But stay with me on this. It is do-able.

What is treatment like… Really?  This is no time for faking. How brave are you? The new treatments are a lot easier, but you’ll have days. Are you a good faker? Can you get up and go to work every day AND manage to remember all your medications? If you are generally in good health, it will be easier to treat. If you are at any stage of cirrhosis, you may already be experiencing the symptoms of an ailing liver. Fatigue is on the top of most lists.

Do I have to work? We all need money, but is your health insurance is through your employer?

Consider sick days,  Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Social Security Disability (SSDI), or Medicare benefits.

How is the ole’ liver doing? The condition of your liver is the first thing to be considered. If you’re stage 4 of cirrhosis, the treatment can be harder on you.

How is your health? Your age and health can help or hurt you while treating. The liver does discriminate regarding age. It goes without saying that youth is on your side. The younger you are, the easier you will probably find treatment.

What type of job do you have?  Could you go to work while you have a case of the flu that goes on and on? Fever, chills, body aches, nausea, brain fog, gastrointestinal problems, and many other side effects that are flu like CAN be a part of the treatment.  If you do heavy lifting, or operate machinery, it can be dangerous if you do not have your full mental and physical capacities. working on hepatitis

Your performance on the job will be challenged  Paperwork was a nightmare for me during the 3rd through 7th month.  I  found ways to work around my own mental obstacles and got into the swing of treating.

ant stick working hepatitis c treatment high hopes
Working with Hepatitis C Treatment
Cause we’ve got High Hopes!

Who ya gonna call? Your support system, can be friends, family, or even co-workers. Let your neighbors know. That way if you come home from work tired and hungry, someone can help you take care of yourself.

I truly believe that if my 43 weeks of treatment were done at home, I would not have done as well mentally. During treatment, forcing myself to get  forced me to act alive. Family and friends are supportive, but there is nothing like a Best Friend who has been there. Remember, I’m pulling for you while you make the choice of whether to be on the job with Hepatitis C Treatment at Work.   XO Karen:)

Look what I found for you!
A Male viewpoint of Working while on Hepatitis C Treatment Here
Telling your Boss you have Hepatitis C Here

Watch my video blog on Youtube for more about working

while on Hepatitis C Treatment.



pic via asbestos.com, youtube.com



4 thoughts on “Hepatitis C Treatment at Work”

  1. From Charles: Day one of liver biopsy results. Was given this site by a nurse. Thank you so much for your efforts. Keep well and God bless.

    You’re so welcome. I’ve been there. Do you mind sharing your biopsy results? You can email if you want. I hope you’re feeling okay. Some soreness may linger for a few days.. My best to you. Karen:)

    1. Please please don’t be nervous. Please know that knowledge is power and you will be much better knowing what you need to do to go on. I know what it feels like. I suffer from anxiety all the time. Shoot, I was nervous going to a Ballet performance of the Nutcracker yesterday.
      My grandchild played one of the leads. She was so captivating during the entire recital. Of course all of the children and the adults who performed did a great job. I am going to get a copy of the DVD and watch it again.
      Take Care and please let us know how you did during your appointment

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