Healing Hip Pain and Sciatica after Transplant

I didn’t even know what to title this blog. Here I am nearly 10 years after my HCC diagnosis, still alive, but dealing with hip and lower back pain that prevents me from ever cycling or running again. Listen, I am NOT complaining. Just being alive is a gift, and it’s one that I deeply cherish. I’m forever thankful to my donor and his family. That does not change the fact that I still need healing hip pain and sciatica after transplant. 

This blog will break it down and I’ll tell you how the body can heal and we can move through the physical pain at any stage of life. That includes 67 year old me and any age YOU.

Healing Hip Pain and Sciatica After Transplant

Let me first add the disclaimer that I’m not a doctor and that only a medical professional can guide our choices. I went to a variety of foot, back, bone, and hip doctors, and also 4 different physical therapists. Chiropractors, accupunturists, massage therapists in 2 different states were on my support team too. If that sounds to muchy much, that gives you some insight into my will to live a wildly fulfilling life. 

None of the above named medical experts were able to help me. Some only recommended surgery, except the last orthopedic hip specialist who told me that due to my overall strength and determination, I could live a long, healthy, and active life without surgery. In the end, it was 3 different massage therapists who helped me narrow down the trouble and unlock my body pain. it was up to me to figure out what that process would look like. 

Back to Basics

The basic truth is that our body knows how to heal. Our DNA and cells are coded to bring restoration. Our environmental factors, injury, and disease states are all a part of life. We are constantly aging, and yet our body does everything it can to remain strong til our last breath.

Every breath is calling us toward restoration and homeostasis. All nutrition is part of bringing fuel and energy for our daily lives. Imbalances in any area disrupt homeostasis. 

Scary and Sad Fact: Just realizing the above truths brought me stress at different points in my life. I was born with one kidney and 1/5th of a uterus. Discovering that as a teenager sent me to reading Prevention Magazine and doing aerobic exercise. I had a high metabolism, and have always indulged in sugary sweets for carbs. Like the rest of the world, I was fearful of certain fatty foods, avoided dairy and other “killer” foods that the media would frighten the whole world with. I am not a fear monger and do not allow fear of foods to prevent me from enjoying everything from pie to pizza, chocolate and pop tarts. 

healing hip and sciatica after transplant Karen Hoyt

To be fair, the health food and holistic community have always done their best, and are following ancient teachings that were designed to prevent AND cure physical ailments. That said, aren’t we all happy to be living in modern times with medicine with organ transplant surgery possible? My hand is raised and waving wildly. 

Healing Hip Pain and Sciatica after Transplant

With my long time liver disease, brain fog and HE truly prevented me from always making good choices. For that very reason, I declined any type of invasive tests and treatment options. 

I still cringe when thinking about how long continued to work out, run, teach yoga even while in pain.

Keep an eye out for how I have not only OVERCOME a great degree of pain, but I am up and moving, teaching Tai Chi and Yoga, walking 5K or more in a day, and keeping my mental state of peace with spine, hip, and abdominal pain. Sometimes if I overdo it by having poor posture, it can flare up. Today is one of those times, so it’s a couch and magnesium bath day for sure. Mostly I just want everyone to know that healing hip and sciatica after transplant is possible. Don’t get discouraged. 


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