Google Hepatitis C Community was formed as another resource to unite the many global efforts surrounding the Hepatitis C Virus (HCV). There are members from organizations comprised of those in the medical field, members of the press, as well as individuals who are diagnosed with Hepatitis C, have faced the decision to treat, are recovering from treatment. We all share information and ideas. It’s another resource that you can turn to when you have a question or want to help create awareness.

I have found them to have great hearts. This is a generous group who are trying to look at a serious problem from many different angles. Some of the posts are regarding diet and nutrition. There is also the latest news updates regarding drugs. It is a diverse group. Everyone is welcome. We have members from other countries who share their latest ideas and experiences with the Hepatitis C Virus.
If you are have a google account, simply log on and go to the google+ site. You can quickly create a profile. Then go search for Karen Hoyt and you will find my link to the google Hepatitis C community. I look forward to seeing you on there. I post youtubes and pictures all the time. You will also find friends from many different backgrounds. You will be invited to join a circle in no time and find your own friends on there. There are google hangouts and also a google app for smart phones so you can check in anywhere!
I look forward to seeing you. If you have any questions, let me know! It’s just one more way to link with those who are dealing with Hepatitis C. Your bff, Karen:)
Google Hepatitis C Community