Sometimes we become afraid of food with liver disease. We need to make sure that we eat foods that heal our liver.
We hear a lot of advice with liver disease.
Don’t overeat!
Low sodium!
Protein makes you loony!
Watch sugars!
Eat often!
Our liver stores and processes everything we eat. When it is attacked by the Hepatitis C Virus, or damaged by Cirrhosis, we don’t get enough nutrients and fuel.
I became afraid of food
A ham sandwich could mean the end of me! The wrong bite might cause ascites.
Honestly, oatmeal and toast were my main source of food. Nibbling on nuts and yogurt all day called my sanity into question on the job.
One morning, while treating the Hepatitis C Virus, I ran late for a teachers meeting. Plopping my wig on in the parking lot, I hurried in and found everyone seated. Then, I spotted the tables filled with boxes of soft, warm, donuts. It was an assortment!

I wanted a donut so bad that I was willing to go to the front of the room to get one. I made a run for it, racing down the line opening box after box until I spotted the object of my desire – a deep fried circle of raspberry-filled pastry covered in a thick glaze of shimmering sugar.
I glanced up and saw the vice principal walking my way. Was my wig was on sideways? Everyone knew that I avoided sugar and the desert table in meetings. My holy granola bar kept me from glucose, fat, and sodium.
But not on this day. Today was different. I was a woman whose appetite had been held down too long. I wanted that donut.
Turning my back toward Mr. VP, I curled the donut box under my body. Quickly wrapping a napkin around the little gem, I dropped it in my purse. Then I grabbed one with pink and white sprinkles, and a maple bar, and a glazed too. Just as he arrived by my left elbow, I clamped my purse under my armpit lest I get caught with my bounty. Everyone knows that the leftover donuts are saved for coaches.
I turned to him smiling, popped the glazed goodie between my lips, and bit off a huge bite. While swiping a crust of sugar on my bottom lip with my tongue, I caught a hair as well. Still smiling, I felt the hair work around my mouth. Looking past my boss, I rushed over and slid into a chair.
Trying to appear calm and collected, I felt the hair tangled up in my mouth. It quickly became the connector for small balls of chewed up donut. The whole thing resembled a fishing line with several bobbers on it. One ball worked its way to the back of my tongue and I gagged a little.
For the next 15 minutes my mouth was a war zone. I battled to push the hair to the front. If I could just get it to my teeth, I could grab it. Every time it got close and tried to poke it out with my tongue, one of the dough balls would slide toward the back. More gagging ensued, and strange noises came from deep within my throat.
I ended up running to a nearby teacher’s lounge spitting, coughing, and wiping my tongue on cheap toilet paper. It stuck to the whole mess, and I cried like a baby.
I felt like a cheap food slut.
Falling to my knees, I gagged and spit until the hair – and the donut – were flushed down the toilet. My face was hot, and the wig was on top of my purse. That day, I felt like I was being punished for reaching beyond the bounds of my liver loving diet.
Sometimes nothing sounds good when you’re sick. It IS hard to get your appetite up. Low sodium, low fat can sound ucky. It can lead to weight loss and malnutrition. And donut bingeing.
That day, I learned that most food cheats are not worth it. But Some Days, I eat what sounds good.
Foods that Heal Your Liver
More plant protein
Eat several small meals a day
Keep fruit and vegetables nearby
Be consistent on eating good food
We can eat well even with End Stages of cirrhosis. Let’s Eat Foods that Heal Our Liver .
I love you, xo Karen:)
Which protein is good for your liver?
7 thoughts on “Eat Foods that Heal Our Liver”
HI Karen,
Long time since I posted anything, I have appreciated all of your information, inspiration, research, honesty and compassion.
So in time for the ”official” be nice to humanity season, THANK YOU.
I really don’t know how you do it. The main thing is that you do.
I’m inspired by your love and acceptance of yourself and ability to share that with so many others.
I’m tired and just wanted to say hi, to wish you a nice holiday season with your loved ones and send my love and heartfelt gratitude for the energy you pour into this site.
All the best Karen
Guido 😉 x
hi sweetie! you are sooo funny! i hope and pray you are doing alright this holiday season~ all things considered. i apologize that i have not been around, but there’s been a lot to catch up on now that i am SVR. what a miracle.
hopeful the ones with your name on them keep coming!!!
God bless and love you,
You’re a sweetie. What an awesome new year for you! I know that this will be a good one. Maybe the best in years. Tune into your creative juices and let all of your positive energy flow!
xo Karen
It is always a struggle to not eat the foods bad for us. I’m glad to see I’m not the only one. LOL.. Happy New Year Karen. God bless!
PS. I must admit I have cheated during the holidays. My Drs wouldn’t be happy. Back to the eating plan now. I miss sugar the most.
It is a struggle. I made a wonderful blackberry cobbler at Thanksgiving. So very worth it! haha. I didn’t use a lot of sugar. But I DID eat it with a spoon of ice cream. I’m glad to see you’re working on it too. We’ll keep going at it, right?
xoxo Love, Karen:)
Oh yeah the social security bit sucks.
Even people who know about and seem to understand my illness give me the “slacking off”trip. I would love to work full time with extra time but I can’t.
The nasty ex father in law digs are easy to blow off but the ones ones closer to home – and the fact my kids wonder exactly what the problem is really confound/hurt/upset me.
Then there’s the bureaucracy, Its a part time job keeping up with the nonsense.
Happiness and positive health for you all in the new Year
I’ve been wondering about you mate. You’re still alive down under! I’m so very glad to hear it. Yes, the money and the government are hard to deal with. But it’s the family stuff that really gets to us. Keep putting out love and you will get it in return. It’s a lesson you know well and live it too! Let your heart be lifted up in this new year dear friend. It’s really good to hear from you!
xo Karen:)
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