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This Blog is dedicated to helping those who have Hepatitis C or Cirrhosis. I'm not a doctor, but I'll be your Best Friend.

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Karen Hoyt

Liver Biopsy or Fibrosure and Fibroscan

The Fibrosure and Firbroscan can detect liver damage. i had the needle biopsy and many doctors still consider it the gold standard. Read more to see the pros and cons of all and go to your doctor with an idea of what your choices are.

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What Happens to your liver when: find out here ihelpc karen

What Happens to Your Liver When: Find out here

Your liver is one of the most important organs in your body. When mine got sick, I made some changes . It is the largest organ and can weigh over 3 pounds in adults. After my diagnosis with Hepatitis C, I was surprised to find out how much it was responsible for. This may sound silly, but I didn’t even know what all it did to keep me alive. I promise, when your liver fails, it is hurry up and learn time. It’s no joke how

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4 warning signs dying liver ihelpc

What are 4 Warning Signs of a Dying Liver

I heard the nurse outside the door. She was telling the physicians assistant that I looked pregnant. They ended up shipping me off to the hospital for an MRI. I was still lying on the MRI table when they handed me a phone. My doctor was on the other end. It was bad news. She wanted to get me a bed for more tests. If I had known the 4 warning signs of a dying liver, I could have gotten help months or years before. Instead,

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MELD score AASLD Ihelpc liver transplant

What a MELD Score Means for Liver Transplant

I wasn’t sure about the details of what a MELD score for liver transplant meant until my doctor gave me one. It was right after my first draining of the yellow fluid called paracentesis. A lot of new words were being hurled at me left and right. I had a surprise diagnosis of hepatitis at the same time that I was hospitalized for liver failure. Whattamess! If you are there, here are some details to help you understand the MELD score. With a MELD Score of

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Born with Hepatitis C

This is a guest blog by a fellow Hepatitis C patient. She’s a miracle, and I knew that her story of being born with Hepatitis C would give you encouragement.  I wanted to share my story of having a liver transplant. It was not something that I ever dreamed that I would live through. The reason that I needed one is because I was dying from decompensated cirrhosis. I was born with Hepatitis C, but didn’t know it and had gone on living my life.  

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cured hep c ihelpc.com

You Can be Cured of Hepatitis C

It takes a leap of faith to go through Hepatitis C treatment. With the new fast acting medications, you can be cured of Hepatitis C.  It still takes a lot of courage to start and take the drugs. You can Treat to Cure Hepatitis C with a short treatment that only lasts a few weeks or months. I was on the first wave of the protease inhibitors and took 2 medications and an injection for almost a year. It is exciting to know that many of

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randy madera Ihelpc.com

The Hepatitis C Community Mourns the Loss of Randy Madera

I’m going to blindly type these words in an attempt to dry my tears. The Hepatitis C Community mourns the loss of Randy Madera, who was a much loved patient advocate. So many long time Hep C advocates from coast to coast knew Randy personally. Each of them could add a different piece in the timeline of her work with fellow HCV patients. Since I learned of her passing yesterday through Robin Lord Smith who is with National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable (NVHR), I’ve been unable to

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Karen Liver Transplant ihelpc.com

I Don’t Want a Liver Transplant

Sleep is kind of like a thought eraser that swipes the day clean. But I frequently wake up in the middle of the night and remember the tumor. One night last August I awoke with the image of big clamps all around my chest cavity. Eyes wide open now, I saw myself lying on a table surrounded by doctors and nurses, my face as white as the fish I had seen floating belly up on the pond last year. I could see my head arching back with a tube tunneling down my throat that clicked and whished while forcing air into my lungs.

Blinking hard, I stared at my chest as my breasts moved up and down. I wondered what it would be like to wake up in ICU with that machine on and my hands tied down. Shaking my head with an audible moan, I flung back the covers

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alone aging liver disease quote

Aging All Alone with Liver Disease

No one should be aging all alone with liver disease. Learn to open yourself up to meaningful connections. You will live longer and stronger. You are worthy of acceptance and belonging at all stages of liver disease, and life.

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