liver loving diet book cirrhosis hepatitis recipes karen

liver loving diet book cirrhosis hepatitis recipes

liver loving diet book cirrhosis hepatitis recipes

2 thoughts on “liver loving diet book cirrhosis hepatitis recipes karen”

  1. Hello I’m a 31 year old women who is a single mother of three. I’ve been struggling with depression and anxiety I feel so. When I finally started to feel a bit better my life came crashing down again. This time its not my health its my fathers health doctor diagnosed him with liver cirrhosis. Now I’m struggling with my two pre teens also dealing with my fathers disease taking him to his doctors appointment’s plus tying to feed him the right foods for his condition. If someone sees this and can share a couple of good recipes I would truly appreciate you a million.

    1. Mechelle,

      Thanks a bunch for taking the time to share your story. Would you please check your email? I’ll be sending you something.

      Now, Thank YOU for taking care of your dad with cirrhosis. It’s not easy, and my daughter was my caregiver too. She and I got very close. It was a lot of work for her and I am forever grateful.

      As for depression, honey – many many people are struggling more now than ever with the pandemic. I’ve written quite a bit about personal and mental health here, and hope you will look up those blogs where it says: Best Friends Start Here. You can look them up by title and subject.

      Give your dad a hug from me and take care of YOU too.
      Taking Care of YOU in 2022,
      xo Karen

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