Are You Heart Smart with Liver Disease? 3 Truths You Can Say to Yourself Today

People with liver inflammation, chronic hepatitis, and disease need extra help taking care of our heart with liver disease. I’m not talking about diet and nutrition right now. I’m talking about our mind and emotions. Have you been looking at your inner life. Are you heart smart with liver disease? 3 truths you can say to yourself today are below. 

3 Truths You Can Say to Yourself Today

I know myself and what I need. Many times we are wandering through life putting on a false face. It’s okay to put on false confidence at times. But when you’re all alone with yourself, try to be as honest as you can.

If it is too painful to say, “I am lonely and confused”, you might try writing in in a journal. Do it with a pencil and hide the journal if you are afraid someone will see it. That takes a lot of courage to know yourself. It also takes time.

I can be hopeful and realistic at the same time. Getting a diagnosis with liver disease can be dreadful. When all of the tests and images are pointing to a very sick liver, it can make your heart sick too. The sadness hangs like a cloud over your head. Hope may seem like a stupid word that is for other people.

Can you look forward to taking steps today that will help your liver disease? There is a medication that will help you get rid of Hepatitis C. You can also bring Hep B under control. Good foods and lifestyle changes will make a huge difference. Those are very real goals that can increase your hope for a life beyond this stage of liver disease.

I can set new boundaries with people in my life. When you start to move toward a healthier life, there will be those who doubt you. They might shame you for your past. Others might not say it, but you know they think that you brought it all on yourself. Draw an invisible line around yourself.

Boundaries aren’t easy. If you are dealing with family members or friends, you might have to limit the amount of time you spend with them. For co-workers, you may have to switch an inner control knob to draw a circle or boundary around them.

Here is what it can look like: When people begin to start with negative jabber, take a deep breath. Look at them instead of listening to them. Talk to yourself instead. Say, “I know me, and I am worthy of a new start in life with my liver health.” Remember, your own truth is more important than what they’re saying.

Are You Ready to Become Heart Smart?

Watch over your heart dear friend. Not just the organ, but the heart of you where you build your future. Love yourself enough to know yourself. Let denial fall away. See the truth about making healthy changes, while holding onto hope at the same time. Finally, set a boundary in your mind about what you will listen to. When negative talk enters your earspace, talk to yourself like someone you love.

Are You Heart Smart with Liver Disease? 3 Truths You Can Say to Yourself Today

This is the hard work of taking care of your heart. Being heart smart by saying these 3 things will help you take important steps. Xoxo Karen



5 thoughts on “Are You Heart Smart with Liver Disease? 3 Truths You Can Say to Yourself Today”

    1. Candie,

      Aw Thank so much! It always means a lot to see a little note in my inbox. The more I learn about heart disease, the more it dawns on me that our diet is important, but our mind affects our heart so very much. Sending big hugs.

      xo Karen

    2. Candie,
      I appreciate you taking the time to lift me up with some kind words. I love hearing from you and need to stop and just let those words in. I still feel like the website is important when I see my dear friends on here. It brings me such joy to keep going and reading more about liver disease. I want us to have all the information that we need to liver longer and stronger.
      Keep commenting and I promise to check more. Since I started back to work, I haven’t done this. It’s good to hear from you. xoxo
      xo Karen

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