Antidepressants and Hepatitis C Treatment

Antidepressants and Hepatitis C – Depression is common with liver disease and it goes along with fatigue, and body aches. I had the Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) treatment, which is known to create anxiety and depression. Most doctors talk to their patients about it when they begin to discuss Harvoni, Sovaldi, Incivik, Ribavirin, and Interferon.  By the time my doctor gave me thumbs up on the FDA approved treatment, anxiety was at an all time high. I also had cirrhosis, which lead to fatigue and bouts of depression.

Antidepressants and Hepatitis C Treatment
Just to reassure you, I made it through my treatment without thoughts of suicide.

Your Doctor may ask:

Are you more sad than usual?  Do you have trouble sleeping? Do you have less interest in sex? Do you want to give up on life?  Do you feel guilty? Do you feel like you looks have changed?  Do you have thoughts of suicide?

Many people felt depressed enough to think of suicide. Thoughts of deep depression and sadness should never cause anyone to feel ashamed.  Some people who are dealing with addictions may be battling depression on 2 fronts. So let’s discuss it. If you have read my blog, you know that when trouble hits, I push up my sleeves and start looking for answers.

Antidepressants and Hepatitis C Treatment  or liver disease common statements are:

  1. I am already on one If you already taking an antidepressant or anti-anxiety medication, you may not need to make any changes. Some are not metabolized by the liver, but by the kidneys. Your doctor will guide you about your dosage or types of medication. Ask a lot of questions and be honest about your fears.
  2. I am not taking one or I have never taken one before. Some  may feel that they don’t need one. If you can cope, and keep a level of sanity without meds, do it.
  3. No one compares to YOU. While it is nice to hear of others who take the same medications – or not – you are the one making the decision. This is not a time to try and copy someone else’s experience.
  4. Be patient. When dealing with this virus and side effects, be patient, take it one day at a time.
antidepressant and hepatit

I hope this will calm some of your fears about the decision to take antidepressants. We have a common experience with liver disease. Mine was from Hepatitis C. We make choices that most people will never understand. We have fears, anxiety, and depression in ways we never dreamed of. Best of all? We hang tough and do it.

Some people call antidepressants a crutch. Well, crutches are good if you need them. It may be temporary. It may become a permanent prescription for you. If so, think of it as an accessory to life, like a tie, a hat, or some bling. I do not say that lightly, just light heartedly.

Dealing with Antidepressants and Hepatitis C Treatment is our reality.  I wish you the best as you get through treatment using any and all tools at your disposal. Let me know if you need someone to talk to. Karen:)   

Liver Safety

Your doctor will suggest one that is safe for you to try. If you have adverse side effects, it simply means you may have to try something else. Your mental state is important and so is your peace of mind. Do NOT worry about liver safety here. Your doctor will guide you to the one that is safest for you. There are liver friendly antidepressants. Your liver is taking a hit or inflamed from NAFLD, NASH, Fatty, HBV, autoimmune or HCV and getting rid of inflammation must be your priority.

Check out my blog on PTSD for more info and encouragement.

My point here is this: Do Not Give Up or allow anxiety and depression to keep you from treating and living your best life. Remember, I’m part of your allied health team and will be pulling for you all the way.

Antidepressant List by brand name: Effexor,  Zoloft, Paxil, Valium, SAMe, Topamax, Xanax, Cymbalta, Lexapro, Ativan, Valium, Klonipin, Prozac and others. 

Safe Pain Meds with Liver Disease are here. 



16 thoughts on “Antidepressants and Hepatitis C Treatment”

  1. Hi Karen,
    I finished triple treatment for Hep C in June. During treatment I was taking Paxil after treatment ended I gain a lot of weight as a side effect of the Paxil. I was able to wean myself off the Paxil. Weight gain has slowed down thank goodness but I think I may still need some kind of antidepressant. The doc I was seeing for the Hep has gone out on a disability of her own and I am feeling a bit lost. I have an appointment with my primary doc next week. I am going to bring up the subject and I was wondering if you can tell me if there are some liver friendly medications.

    1. Hi Sandra –

      Your doctor can best guide you on meds depending on the condition of your liver. I take 1/2 of a .5 Xanax when sleep is impossible. I work hard to get my mind slowed down. I was up with leg cramps til 1:00 A.M. and I took one.

      Like you, I don’t want to be dependent on something, but hunnyo – there are times when some help is needed. I made a list based on what others shared with me who were on treatment. It’s on my antidepressant and hep c blog. Type in antidepressant safe in the search box on the upper right. Here, I found it. but don’t know how to hyperlink it.

      I’ll be curious to hear what your doc says. Changing doctors can be a bad thing.. or it can be a good thing. Maybe a fresh perspective. The main idea is that you advocate for yourself. You’ve been through a life threatening ordeal. The left over stress is real.

      Will you keep me posted? I’ll be thinking about you. Congratulations on the weight loss! You’re working hard girl.
      xoxo Karen

    1. The world feels like a big old lonely place sometimes, I know. Have you gone to the “Best Friends Start Here” page? Maybe it says “Start Here” and it’s a list of all my blogs.
      If you scroll to the very bottom, there is a section called “WHATS NEXT”. I wrote those blogs just to try and sort out my life after treatment. It is a confusing time. You may still be battling some liver disease symptoms. You also might be having family problems that are left over from before. I did and it surprised me.
      Have you contacted a place for counseling? National Alliance on Mental Illness is a great place to start. If you need more info, google that in your city, or contact a pastoral care place and ask for a referral. I actually went to some classes for several weeks. It was amazing and helped me a lot.
      Let me know by email if you need a personal reference for your city. I can find stuff like you wouldn’t believe. Thank you for reaching out. You are never alone dear one. Big bear hug, Karen:)

  2. I was just diagnosed with hepc and another STD and I am scared to death. I have a history of addiction to pain medications. I’m on antidepressants but I’m still always in panic mode. I am 27 and looks like I’ll never be able to get married or have children. My doctor is reluctant to write any benzodiopines but I hate those things anyway much less want to abuse them but, I do fear for my life I can’t afford the treatments and do not know how to act and I am afraid. Thank you for allowing me to post.

    1. Justin,

      Hay buddy. I totally feel for you. You don’t say what STD you have, but nothing can keep you from moving into a bright future. With modern medicine, you can have a family. You’re too young to let the burdens of life hold you back. Hepatitis C is NOT sexually transmitted so that’s one less thing to worry about.

      As for the treatments, get with your local state health department and/or doctor. They can help you to know which clinics to go to. You’re body is young and strong in spite of everything going on.

      Now all you have to do is whip that mind into shape and get the support you need to get through this. Fear? WE all get that.. It’s human to be scared when dealing with an illness like this.

      Anxiety and panic are the symptom of some belief patterns that are unhealthy. Your mind can be trained to stop responding to life from a place of sheer panic. It takes some time, but it can be done. If you need some antidepressants to get you through while you’re working on lifestyle and mental changes, that is ok. We all need help sometimes. I have some good tools and I want you to watch my youtube channel for some ideas I have for helping to cope with the stress of it all. Let me tell you Justin, many many more are dealing with this. I get a lot of private mail about it.

      Thank you for posting. I know it is going to help someone else to see that that are not alone. Keep an eye on that future. You’re just starting to live kiddo!
      Much love, Karen:)

  3. Hep. C friendly anti-depressants that won’t make me again weight. Please help me. I am not seriously affected yet, I.e. no scarring on my liver, I am stage one. I do have depression, anxiety and ocd for quite a few years already from a BAD relationship that ended 22 years ago. This is making me feel crazy,like I am loosing it -please help me!!!!

    1. Hay girl… Have you tried Wellbutrin or Prozac? I hope that your doctor is helping you to find something that will settle your nerves. Maybe a light dose of zanax.

      But in addition to that, I want to recommend that you find a loving person to talk you through some steps to help you relax. Deep breathing and counting is helpful. So is saying gentle statements to yourself. Check out the newest blog on the home page about cirrhosis is a pain in the neck. I share some of my relation exercises at the bottom of the page.

      Pills are helpful, but you can take some steps to help your body and mind to be more relaxed and comfortable. I’m so glad you’re not past stage 1 yet. So continue to eat healthy food and get yourself ready for treatment! With the meds changing all the time, you might get treatment sooner than you think. I hope this helps. xoxox Karen

  4. Hep c friendly antipressants. Help me please before I Lose my mind completely. I am 60years old and stage 1 so I am not getting any treatment yet!!!!

    1. Hep. C friendly anti-depressants that won’t make me again weight. Please help me. I am not seriously affected yet, I.e. no scarring on my liver, I am stage one. I do have depression, anxiety and ocd for quite a few years already from a BAD relationship that ended 22 years ago. This is making me feel crazy,like I am loosing it -please help me!!!!

      1. Hep. C friendly anti-depressants that won’t make me again weight. Please help me. I am not seriously affected yet, I.e. no scarring on my liver, I am stage one. I do have depression, anxiety and ocd for quite a few years already from a BAD relationship that ended 22 years ago. This is making me feel crazy,like I am loosing it -please help me!!!!

    2. Hello there! I am almost 60, I’m on Prozac, no weight gain. I would suggest starting out at the lowest dose, try that for a week, if ok then increase but stay on lowest dose that is effective. Good luck to you, Dee

  5. Hi Dee, I didn’t feel like saying that much this morning but I feel better now. I. Hit an all time low for depression this morning but I felt the urge to write back now. I am going to my psych Tomorrow and I will ask him to put me back on Prozac again. I have tried it before but I didn’t give it a chance because I am the type of person who is very impatient for results. I have a lot of them left from the last time he put me on them, so I took one this a.m. and I feel better already. I don’t know why ???? But I guess hitting rock bottom jarred me into a state of resignation that I just have to be patient – maybe that’s the difference. I had to listen to someone who was in my boat and give up my stubborn instincts and take the time to think!! Thanks so much for making me come reality. I will keep you updated on my progress. Thanks again Sue. Please keep in touch.

    1. Sue and Dee,
      I love seeing you two help each other out. Gosh, we have a lot of shared wisdom and experience here on the site. Thanks for taking care of each other. xoxo

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