My Gastroenterologist in Tulsa OK

My Gastroenterologist in Tulsa OK

My doctor at Tulsa Gastroenterology Associates was the one who has been there for me from the beginning. I met Dr. Raghuraman in the emergency room when my liver became totally decompensated. I was diagnosed with the Hepatitis C Virus – HCV and cirrhosis. He and his staff took me through the stages of denial, shock, anger, grief, and finally to acceptance. There has been a lot of hand holding and tears. I have burned their phone up when life seemed overwhelming and my symptoms were out of control.

Dr. Ramen’s kind and firm attitude got my attention. He has managed my health care with scrutiny and detail, referring me to the OU Transplant Center where I successfully treated for Hepatitis C.  If you need a doctor who treats Hepatitis C in Tulsa Oklahoma, Dr. Ramen is the best in this girl’s humble opinion.

I love Lori.

Lori Tulsa Gastroenterology Liver
My Best Friend Forever – Lori


Wow. We’ve come a long way. I was death warmed over when we met and her calm reassurance remains a stabilizing factor for me even today. She is casual in a Best Friend kind of way, but she knows her business. Best of all? She ALWAYS answers my calls. I have never been embarrassed to pour out my heart or ask questions. She runs it all by Dr. Ramen and that in itself provides a peace of mind that surpasses all understanding. Can we ever say Thank You enough to our medical team?

Do you have an Allied Health Team that you can trust and rely on?


My Gastroenterologist in Tulsa OK


4 thoughts on “My Gastroenterologist in Tulsa OK”

  1. Hi Karen! It’s so great to see how far you’ve come since we first met. You are such a wonderful lady and there was NO WAY I would have let you give up and throw in the towel. I knew you were the type of lady to take the reigns and get back into good health. We appreciate all the great work you are doing to help people in the community in understanding that these issues are NOT a death sentence! So much love and respect! <3 Lori

    1. Gosh girl – You’re making me cry. lol. You’ve listened to a lot of my tears. My gratitude is boundless toward you. I still think with that soothing tone you could make recordings for when patients call in for an “Aw. Poor baby” or a “Let me talk to the doctor and I’ll call you right back”.
      You loaned out your strength and joy in perfect doses. And always on time. Love You, Karen:)

  2. Elizabeth King Vance

    I know a young mother who is in advanced stage of Cirrhosis from Hep-C and drinking. She no longer drinks. She has so much edema/ ascities that she looks like she is carrying Sextuplets and past her delivery date. She was put on hospice a couple of months ago, but she keeps going on for her kids. She only has Soonercare and their “red tape” delays are going to cause her to die!
    Is there anything that this Doctor could do for her? She needs one of the hep-C medications and then if the medicine eradicated it…a transplant!

    1. Hello dear.

      So so sorry about this young mother. Has she seen Dr. Ramen? He took me when I had NO insurance, and he may still do that. He has moved from Utica to another building by St Francis maybe? I no longer see him since my transplant. He and his staff kept me alive.
      Can she call Help4Hep? It’s a free and confidential toll free call center. They have ways of cutting red tape. 1-877-435-7443 Monday – Friday. 9-9 EST. It’s 877 HELP4HEP.
      Would you keep me posted here please? You’re a good friend. I was near hospice too and got it turned around.
      xoxo Karen

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