Ninja Warrior with Liver Disease

After my liver decompensated, I fixated on the death sentence. However down some back street of my mind, I kept thinking that life couldn’t be over. I was mad, and determined to make it. I didn’t know how that would look since I was uninsured, yellow, swollen, and brain fogged. Some called it denial. It was part of my attitude with Hep C, and when I got a liver tumor that turned out to be HCC liver cancer,  I looked in forums for friends and advice. My avatar was a ninja warrior with with liver disease and I share my Ninja Skills below.

Ninja Warrior with Liver Disease karen hoyt

I was too sick to walk around the block, but inside, I felt I could do anything.  In my mind, I was a Ninja. I’m not talking about the Teenage Mutant kind, although I did dress like Donatello one time. (story later) That story actually says about my personality. First, I love life. Second, using creativity  makes life worthwhile. Third, and most important, I don’t really care what others think when I’m pursuing of the joy of living.

Cowabunga Dude

After my diagnosis, I knew that if I were going to survive, life would be lived “all out no holds barred”. I would raise my head in a ninja-like pose standing on the oriental rug in the living room. Folding my body into yoga poses stirred me awake. The tension in my muscles matched the tension in my hepatic encephalopathy brain foggy mind.

I sat in front of the television watching Steven Tyler on American Idol. His onscreen presence meant everything to me. If he could make it, so could I. However, when I did yoga, or wrote in my journal, the tv was turned off. I wanted to focus inward.

The big blank tv screen at my friend Cheryl’s healing house became a mirror to check my posture. No hanging down head or slumped shoulders for me. In the reflection was a sick girl who was also a serious warrior. I needed to morph into someone who could pull off a ginormous feat that even the doctors thought was impossible. I needed skills. I’m talking Ocean’s Eleven ninja acrobat kind of skills. I felt that a ninja would be the perfect avatar. I would become a Nutritional Ninja. You can borrow that if it helps.

A Ninja Warrior with Liver Disease

Roll with the punches, let go of fear, and think like a ninja! 

Our target is liver disease. As nutritional ninjas, we can overcome anything. That includes lack of insurance, aches and pains, finding a doctor, and even unhealthy eating habits and finding recipes. We start with a Liver Loving Diet. Then we develop a plan and follow it to the end. I love you with all my heart. XO Karen

My Donatello Days:  Back in the early 90s, my nephew loved Donatello. I actually bought a Halloween costume and wore it on the airplane when I flew in to see him. He was about 4 or 5 and Aunt Karen was his favorite Ninja. It’s a reminder to me to love my family, have fun, and go beyond the norm to make my dreams a reality.


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